9: Grounded

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I turned my head towards my window and opened the curtains. Luke was standing in my balcony. I opened the door and walked outside. A cool breeze met my skin. I was wearing my pjs which consisted of my shorts and a big baggy t shirt that stopped above my knee.
" What are you doing here Luke?"
" I heard you got grounded" I nodded my head.
Earlier that day
"Why isn't our plan working? More girls are coming onto him now" I said while looking at Aaron and his group of girls. Bella looked at me and eyed something behind me. I followed her gaze to find the red button. When you press the button it alerts the local firefighters that there is a fire and the sprinklers come on. I looked back to Aaron who was about to kiss this girl name Alani. Without hesitating I pushed the button and the alarm came on. Everyone was screaming except Bella and I who were laughing. All the girls who were with Aaron screamed and ran out with him. I was about to walk away with Bella when the Principal caught me. Long story short I got in trouble.

"Quite a stunt you pulled there Williams" Luke said.
I bowed softly and said thank you.
I was shivering. It's winter right now and I dunno why I was wearing this thing. Then Luke did the most cliche thing to do. He took off his leather jacket and put it on me. I looked at him and he was looking at me.
" You know you're the most beautiful girl."
"Luke I'm sure you say that to every girl you meet" he shook his head.
" I say to the other girls damnnn honey". I laughed at him and he laughed as well. Luke's phone starts to ring and he answered it. He didn't say anything but his face was angry and terrified. He hung up his phone.
" I need to go give me my jacket" he says
" what?"
" GIVE ME MY JACKET" without hesitation I have it back. He whispered to me saying sorry and I went back inside the room. Damn is he bipolar or what. I went back to my bed and slept.
I got dressed for school the next day and walked downstairs. No one was home. Weird. I got inside my car and went to school. Everyone was looking at my car. Again weird. I stepped out and saw that there were drawings and words written on my white Ferrari. I looked at my car closely.
Drawings of dicks and other random shapes were drawn. I heard laughter and I looked at Aaron and walked towards him.
"What's the matter Williams?"
I pointed to him
" You. You did this" I said. He nodded his head.
"You messed with the wrong girl Aaron". I then punched his face and stepped back into my car to drive back home.
I texted Anne and Bella saying I won't be coming to school. I went inside the garage and grabbed some cleaning products. I tied my hair up and began scrubbing off the marks.
All of the sudden I hear loud heavy footsteps. I grabbed the closest thing next to me which was a screwdriver. I turned around and screamed.
"Luke what the fuck are you doing here?" He didn't say anything. He just looked at me. I looked closer to his face. He's been beaten up and there's s cut on his lips.
" oh my god what happened?" I asked.
"Aaron found out I've been spying on him"
I sat him down on the hood of my car and grabbed the first aid kit. I treated his wounds.
" I'm sorry about last night. Aaron called me and said some stuff". I shook my head.
"It's alright. Really"
" how did he find out?" I asked.
" I was in the middle of texting you but he caught me".
" I've heard from other people you are a badboy what happened? I mean have u gone all soft?"
" Bad things happened when I was like that.So I've changed" I totally understand I mean I once was like him that I had to change for someone.
" But you're not happy are you?" I asked. He shook his head.
After a few minutes he left without saying anything and I went back to cleaning my car.
It's 2 in the morning and Anne, Bella and I are outside Aarons house. He messed with my car and Luke so I'll mess him back. I remembered his house very well. I remember where everything is and where all the security cameras are. We both climbed over the fence to his back yard. I stopped in front of his pool and Anne dumped a ton of pink dye into the pool causing the pool to be bright pink. Bella toilet papered everywhere. I walked into his garage and saw his baby. I slashed his tires and painted all of his windows black.
We were all satisfied with our work and ran back home.
I still haven't figured out Luke's character yet. I'll just be going with the flow. Butttttt seriously Aaron what were you thinking messing with Stella's car like that? Haha
Byeee see y'all next time
Peace out✌🏾️

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