13: Blood on my hands

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Hey just to let you guys know this chapter is in Luke's POV aannywaysss enjoy:)


I checked my phone to another voice mail. This better not be about that party. I refused to go because me and alcohol do not get along very well. Let's just say I'd always get in trouble when I drink. I check the voice mail.

Voice mail from Bella

Hey you at the party yet? I can't find Stella so if you see her tell her to come to me so we can do some shots together hahaha. Ok byeeeeeee.

Great Bella is drunk already but she did sound like she was having fun. I guess one drink won't hurt right?


I opened the door to find Bella dancing on top of a coffee table. I looked around and people look like they were having a good time. I grabbed a drink from the table and downed it. It stung in my throat but it felt good. Ok I promised myself 1 drink and that's it. Maybe one more, before you know it I drank another. But thank god I stopped myself. I wasn't drunk just a little buzzed. From the corner of my eye I see this girl who looked fine. She was blonde and what a bombshell she was. I checked her out and she caught me. She gave me a smile and wink then walked towards me.

" Hey I'm Meghan you must be Luke right?" I smirked and nodded.

She looked into my eyes and all I see were lust in her eyes. She licked her lips before placing them onto mine. We made out for a solid 2 minutes before she pulled herself away from me. I grabbed her hand and led her upstairs to a room. I knew there was only Stella's room and Axel's. I don't think Stella would be cool if me and this girl did it in her room. So I settled in Axel's room. The girl who's name I've already forgotten locked the door behind her and placed herself on the bed next to me. She was on top of me kissing me. Her hands were on my chest, she then gently took her top off. I then heard a lot of movement from the next rooms. And I heard voices. As the girl kissed me on my neck and leading herself down. Instead of being turned on by the girl I was focusing on the voices. A guy and a girl. Ooh Stella's not gonna like that a couple is doing it in her room. Now I was finally paying attention to the girl who is now topless. I instantly flipped her over making me on top and her laying on the bed.

"HELP" I heard someone scream

I pulled away from the girl and put my shirt back on. I walked towards Stella's room and I still hear lots of movement and shuffling in her room. Something was wrong I can feel it. I knocked on the door and called out Stella's name.

" Luke help" a girl screamed out. I recognised that voice. Stella. I tried opening the door and it was locked. I smashed my way in and found a guy on top of Stella. She was crying and I grabbed the guy from the collar. I pushed him and his back was now against the wall.

" What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled at him. His hands were down I could tell this guy was scared. He was shaking. He looked at Stella one time. But I kept my gaze onto him.

" She wanted it" he said. Is this guy for real? What a fucking idiot.

" Bullshit, she was screaming for help you asshole" I shouted.

" I didn't want it I said no" Stella said softly.

" You bitch you're a liar" the guy said with now a smug look on his face. I couldn't take it anymore. I don't know if it was the alcohol or something else. The next thing I know, I began punching him.

"Don't call her a bitch you dick head" I said. I kept punching his stomach, he fell down but I grabbed him and punched him in the face. I was angry real angry. How dare he say that to Stella?. I used all my energy and anger to punch him. 

"Luke stop you'll kill him" Stella shouted. She was trying to stop another fight. Honestly, this girl.

" That's the point" I said to her. Before she was next to me but I felt her presence stepped away. I turned my head to her and I can tell in her eyes I was scaring her.

" Just stop... please" she whispered. I did what she told me to do and let go of James. He head towards the door and left the room.

" You okay?" I asked. How stupid of course she's not ok she was nearly raped. She nodded her head and looked at her top. I quickly grabbed a random shirt from the drawers and chucked it at her. She sat down on the bed and I sat next to her.

" Thanks for rescuing me" she said. I tucked a hair behind her ears. I could tell she flinch a little bit. I guess I scared her. I looked into her eyes and she was hurt.

" I'll never let anyone hurt you" I said to her. She laid into my arms and she fell asleep. I put her onto her bed and walked out. I looked down to see my hands were covered in blood. My hand was shaking when I tried to wash it off in the bathroom. My eyes gazed onto my mirror in front of me I stared at my reflection. My eyes were red and I had no expression on my face. I laid onto my bed looking up to see my ceiling. My mind wondered elsewhere. I'm starting to remember the memories I had with Celeste. But I tried to think about something else. Stella. I'll never let anyone hurt her again. 


HEYHEY How it's going guys? Just wanted to say thank u so much because of you guys this book has reached 200 views like ermahgawd. Thank u so much for reading this book But anyways omg who is Celeste?

Why was Luke thinking about her?

Anyways till next time...

Love u all x

Peace Out 

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