part 22

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Now to make up for not uploading in so long this is the second chapter i have put up today and its a extra long on with lots going on so hope you enjoy:)

Lillie's P.O.V

So things were back to normal with me and Helen, well when I say normal I mean as normal and civilized as we can be because right now we were driving to Harry's place for a games night. Zayn had offered to take a few off us which included me sat in the passenger seat and then Louis had placed himself in between Niall and Helen in the back which meant that they were just a little bit squashed to say the least.

“oohoohoohooh turn this one up” said Niall referring to the radio and the Justin Beiber song 'Beauty and a beat' playing.

“oh Niall you've listened to this song so many times” groaned Helen from the other side of the car,

“well ill admit I like this song too so ill turn it up for you Niall ” I said in a sarcastic tone to Helen.

“why do you love to wind me up so much”

“oh Helen because your reaction is classic” said Louis answering Helen's question for me.

We pulled up at Harry's to the joy of Louis, Niall and Helen and as we opened the back doors they poured out onto the floor,

“so graceful” I said to Helen giving her a hand up of the floor.

“HELLO” boomed Harry as he walked out the door of his flat's building,

“hello Harry”i said walking over and giving him a hug.

“how come you took so long?” asked harry and I just glanced towards Louis and Niall getting out the car.

“its self explanatory if you can see whats going on” said Zayn walking up behind me.

“we'll explain inside come on “ I said making my way inside Zayn walked in front of me as he knew the way, I put my hands on his waist and slowly walked behind him just the two off us.

We got into Harry's front room which was more of a dinning/formal sitting room so we walked past that, I slipped my arms round Zayn's shoulders so I was latched onto his back when all of a sudden he grabbed my legs and I was being carried through the rooms.

“Zayn put me down please I don't feel right” I said no girl likes a boy picking them up its just strange for some reason.

“okay but you have nothing to worry about I wont drop you” he said placing me on my feet.

“thank you, and I don't think you'd ever drop me I just feel comfy on my feet” I said looking straight into his brown eyes.

“fair enough but that doesn't mean you can't give me one” said Zayn preparing to jump on my back but instead I ran off in the opposite direction.

“oooiii Lillie don’t ruin my home” shouted harry from somewhere behind me

“don't worry ill make sure she doesn't” said Zayn who sounded really close and when I turned round there he was. He pulled me into the closest room which looked like storage room but for harry this was where he kept his.....skeletons?

“ooh romantic” I said staring the skeleton.

“well at least no-one can see us here” said Zayn stepping closer to me.

“am not sure knowing harry these skeletons wont be normal” I said poking at one of them and nearly knocking them all over.

“that can be sorted” said Zayn as he twisted their heads round so their were dis-functionally facing the wall.

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