part 27

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I felt really upset once I left the room and I knew if I was to turn round I would of seen the disappointment in zayn's face as he watched me run away once again, no wonder he got angry am angry at myself for doing it now. I walked straight outside the back of the building through a fire exit and slid down the side of the wall pulling my phone out of my boots ,where id kept it safe, and pulled up a taxi number to ring when the door next to me opened again.

I turned my head to looked at who it was but they had already pulled me up the wall making me drop my phone on the floor,

“ZAYN!”i gasped as he was the last person I expected it to be.

“look we need to talk”he was still holding me at the waist and it felt wrong but so nice at the same time.

“i know we do but I just don't know if I can face it”i was afraid of what might happen.

“well lets just see where it goes if you get uncomfortable say stop”i could see in his eyes how desperate he was for me to hear him out and try understand him which I think I was already starting too.

“lets go inside though it's too cold for you to be outside in that”he said referring to my skin tight cat suit.

“am fine lets stay here”i didn't want to go back in where everyone will see us and come up and ask questions or make a comment.

“but lillie you'll freeze to death”he said

“fine but lets go somewhere quiet out of everyone else's view” I said stepping out of zayns hold.

“don't you like being seen with me?”he joked sarcastically.

“no but I don't want to look like a player who dumped you then look like am crawling back”and I knew that was what everyone would think.

“why do you care so much about everyone's opinion let them say what they like they don't know the truth”said zayn bending down picking my phone up which I had forgotten about because of zayn's sudden arrival.

“look just head inside and here's your phone”he said brushing hands with mine,

“thanks”i said holding eye contact that got slightly awkward so headed back for the door and to a quiet sitting area in the building where there were large chairs and couches.

“where do we start?”i asked not knowing what I really wanted to say maybe just admit to some things.

“i just want to help you lillie, id like to think there was still a chance with us but you need to learn to not run away but I want to help you get over that”he said sitting down on the seat next to me.

“i know and am sorry for putting you through all this but I have tried for years and it has frustrated many people from friends I've fallen out with the other boys I've been with, its more than just a fear its a habit, but one that wont go away”i hated getting deep but the drink was bringing it all out.

“why haven't you ever told me this?” he asked

“because it was something I kept to myself I didn't think I needed or wanted to change it until I noticed what damage its caused, I've practically separated us all by being awkward and not going places just to avoid things”

“see there you go again blaming yourself why do you think everyone is blaming or upset with you? Your a lovely person lillie and if you listened to the people around you you'd know they don't hate you for it or blame you for anything”

“well what are you saying I need to pay more attention to my friends?”he was confusing me now I didn't know whether he was trying to be a help or a hindrance.

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