The Moment Ive Been Waiting For

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-Hello : ) Hope You Guys Like The Story : D Comment\Vote? Tell Me What You Think!! ( :-


-Isabelle's POV-


"Zayn promise me you won't forget me!" I said sobbing into my best friends shoulder.

"Ohhh Bells how could I ever forget about you?" He pushed me back to look at my face. "Your my Isabelle! Now how could I forget my Isabelle?" I chuckled trying fight back the tears. " Awh Isabelle dont cry, your gonna make me cry!"

I laughed and wiped my tears. "Oh and we can't let that happen now can we? It'd Soo ruin that puny reputation of yours."

He gasped and put a hand over his heart. "Puny?! Honey, I'm quite popular."

"Haha uhm really Zayn? Stuck up much?" I asked cocking my head.

"No I'm just playing." He said pinching my cheeks.

"Zaayn! It's time we leave, love. Say goodbye!" His mother yelled.

He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Good bye Bells." He gave me big hug. "This won't be the last time I see you, I will see you again. I promise."

"Good bye Zayn." Was all I could manage to get out, I was choking on my own words desperately trying not to cry. But when we pulled away from the hug we were both crying.

The last thing I heard him say was,"Bye Bells I love you!"

I didn't take it in a wrong way, we were best friends and thats all he or I will ever be, Right?

•Present Time•

-Still Isabelle's POV-

I'm Isabelle I'm 19 years old, I'm from Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. I'm an only child, my parents are divorced, and my best friend is the Zayn Malik. We used to be really close, not saying we aren't anymore but not as close since he took off and became famous.

"Bella, you have a package from Zayn!" My mother yelled from downstairs.

I was so excited I began to run down the stairs to get it but ended up falling and tumbling down the stairs.

"Oh my god. Honey are you alright?" She asked. "You know some day your clumsiness is going to kill you." My mother said running her temples.

I chuckled as she helped me up. "Where's the package mom?" I asked.

"Here." She said handing it to me. "Something tells me your going to like this one." Zayn has been sending me packages every week since he left. Everyone of them contained a letter, and a little touristy souvenir. My room is now filled with teddy bears, or those I <3 shirts.

I ripped oped the box to find another box, I probably ripped open 8-9 boxes before getting to two envelopes. I opens the first one which was his letter.

' Heey Love, I got some good news. Well to me it's good news, not sure how your gonna take it, but whatever. So Simon got the boys and I flats here in London, so I won't be coming back.'

I stopped there to breath. My eyes began to swell up with tears but I kept reading.

'Love dry up your tears you didn't let me finish.'

Damn he's good.

'See? I know you better than you think. ; ) So anyways Simon got us a flat in London and isn't allowing to come back home. But what he allowing is you coming to live with us. You better give me a big hug and thank you, you don't know how much begging I had to do. :| && You know me I DON'T beg. So pack up your things the other envelope has your ticket, your leaving tonight. Don't worry about your parents they're already aware of this, make sure you thank them as well. They helped me alot.

Love you always : ),

Zayn '

I cried with tears of joy as I ran down the stairs and tackled my parents with hugs and thank you's then ran back upstairs to pack. On my way u I heard my dad say 'well someone's happy'.

I packed all my bags in about 30 minutes, now all I had to do was get ready. I hopped in the shower, singing 'rock me' then entire time.

"Oi! Keep it down would you nobody wants to hear that!" My dad yelled from outside the bathroom door.

I laughed. "Your just jealous you don't know the words."

He chuckled. "Trust me honey, no jealousy here."

Once I got done I went and got dressed. I put on some shorts, a red and white striped v neck, and one of Zayns red varsity jackets. I paired it up with some red converse. I straightened out my hair, and put some make up on. I tried not to over do it. I put some foundation, lip gloss, and did the whole smoky eye shadow. I took one last look at myself before my mom yelled for me to get out, that it was time to go.

Well this is it the moment I've been waiting for, I'm going to get my Zayn back.

- Heey guys : ) So I'm starting another book :P Do you like it? Next chapter will have Zayns POV ( : -

-Kaitlyn xx

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