Drinks And Reality

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Josh knew what Brie Mode meant. But he had to basically play babysitter for her tonight, knowing the kind of night that Brie has had, as well as the month that she has had, Bri deserves to get out and just drink until she forgets how to spell. "Yea girl, I'm ready. I'm ready to have to carry yo ass outta the place passed the hell out." Josh smirked lightly and reached over, placing a hand over top of hers as he smiled softly at her. Knowing how much Bri needed a night to just relax, Josh was in no position to try and get her not to get too wasted. He was a little against her drinking, mainly because he cared way too much about the tiny woman and didn't want any kind of problems happening due to alcohol.

"Aaha ahaha. You're funny Josh. You're gonna be like my freakin' chaperone aren't you?" She half hearted laughed at the man's rather dry joke, but still legitimately smiled over at him and couldn't help herself but blush like crazy as his hand dropped to hers. Bri had a million and a half thoughts coursing through her mind, her blood was still boiling from the fight her and Bryan just had. At work? That's so classless of him to do, but in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but think that maybe she hurt him too. What makes her any better than him at this point..

Josh was forced to stop at a redlight, he used this opportunity to look over at Bri and shake his head. Although the two didn't put a label on what they are to each other, he loves her with all his being. Leaning over and pressing a swift kiss to her, he kept his face close to hers and whispered, "So long as I'm with ya? I'll be ya chaperone girl." He smirked a little as he felt Bri's hand raise up and cup his cheek softly. Bri was so overwhelmed with feelings and it was pushing her to the point of practically crying. She gave him a kiss of her own before smiling like a complete dweeb, "Well. Chaperone Fatu it is!!" She giggled and nudged his side, "Green light!"

Reluctantly pulling his head back, he began to drive again, he turned a sharp right as the bar that the two were headed for was now really close. He sighed quietly and looked at the parking lot, "It ain't..so bad." The establishment was actually really packed with people, the parking lot had, luckily, one spot free that he pulled into and turned the car off. As he turned over to Bri, Josh took a deep breath and spoke, "You ready for people, girl? You've had some kinda shit ass night..You sure you're good?" His concern only cause Bri to smile from ear to ear, it was really refreshing for someone to actually, genuinely care about her for her. "Yea, I'm ready sweetheart. Don't worry about me..I'm the biggest little girl in the whole wide world." A giggle escaped her lips as she unlocked the door and climbed out of the car.

Josh followed suit with a nod and took the keys out, climbing out of the car as well and shut his door. He quickly made his way over to her side of the car and snatched her hand up in his. Locking the car, Josh squeezed her hand in an attempt to reassure her after the look on her face showed that she was indeed..Not as ready as she made out to be. "I'm right here, girl. Aight?" He reassured her and she immediately looked over at him, smiling a little bit and shook her head, "Thank you...It, means a lot."

As Josh opened the door for Bri, she strolled in and Josh swatted her butt playfully, Bri immediately felt her cheeks light up as she squealed and the door shut behind her. Holy shit, this bar was packed. It must be because the WWE just had a show no more than four miles away from the place. Bri looked down at her waist and saw that Josh's hands were placed firmly on her hips. She placed hers over top of his and smiled, leaning her body back as the music coursed through her veins. Bri wasn't the best dancer, but luckily she had no intention of break dancing tonight. Josh used his arms to rock the two back and forth, he took note of Bri who was making all the movements with her hips first, then the rest of her body followed suit. Josh was so madly in love with this woman, he'd do anything for her. All of the little things that she can do, from her dorky smile, to how crazy she got in bed. There was nothing she did that he didn't love to pieces.

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