reunited with bubs

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heyy people of wattpad!

i've been DEAD on wattpad for the last few days, and i didn't update on monday because i've been on super strong pain meds that made me sleep for like 15 hours at a time and when i wasn't sleeping i was exhausted or trying to catch up on missed school work soooo i'm sorry!  so guys pls pls PLSS vote on this chapter bc i'm trying to get to 100 votes on this so yeah! 

ily all!!

x -e

I wrap my arms around his tall, thin frame and he pulls me in close. I love him so much, I missed him so much, I needed him so much. He smells so good, it's refreshing and he looks so, so adorable. I've never had such feelings for anybody, ever at this moment. I want to hold him in my arms like this, I want every day to be like this moment. I want to hold on forever.

"Oh my God Ebony Rose Shields, I love you," says Caleb.

"I love you so much Caleb Logan LeBlanc," I whisper into his shoulder.

"Eb, I missed you so much, you don't even know."

"I missed you so much Cae." He pulls me in tighter, and then we pull apart, our eyes lock together and we lean in at the same time. It's a short kiss, because my brother's standing right there, but we keep staring at each other, wanting more.

Joey's voice interrupts our moment, "get a room!" He says, and throws grass at our feet. I laugh and take his hand, pulling him into the middle of the hug. He giggles and puts his arms around me. This is what I have needed, Russia is great but home is ten thousand times better.

"Sooo...." Says Caleb, he draws out the 'o' like he's expecting me to say something.

"What?" I ask, grinning up at him.

"What do you mean what? How was it?!"

"Oh, it was brill," I say.

"Brill," he repeats in his high-pitched-making-fun-of-Ebony accent. I smirk and elbow him in the arm.

"I missed you, you little nerd," I say. He responds to me by kissing me again, I grin and kiss him back.

When we pull apart, Joey, who's sitting on the ground picking at the grass again sighs loudly. "Wanna keep playing buddy?" Asks Caleb, smiling at my brother.

"Yeah!" He says, standing up quick.

"Are you guys playing American baseball?" I ask, smiling.

"It's just regular baseball when we live in America, Ebby," Joey corrects me in a ridiculous American accent.

"Right," I say, blushing.

"I joined the baseball team," Joey continues. "Caleb's like my second coach," he says casually.

"Wait, wait! You play baseball now?! One goes to Russia for a month and when she goes back so much has changed!" I say, Caleb and Joey chuckle and I smile.

"You've missed a lot," Joey says matter of factly, putting his hand on his hip.

"Oh really now?"

"Yes. I'm going to my first tournament on Sunday," he says.

"Sunday?! Wow, Sunday's in tommorow! That's great Joey!" I say, "where will it be?"

"Massachusetts," he says.

"Wait what? We're going there?" I ask, confused and exhausted from the thought of even more traveling.

"No. Only Mommy and Daddy and I are going, you're staying home."

"Oh, I'll be home alone?"

"No, I think I'm gonna be sleeping at your house with you, because we figured you wanted to sleep in your own bed after not sleeping in a familiar place for a month. Is that okay? I mean we could always have Annie-" I interrupt him by lightly kissing him on his perfect lips.

"That sounds lovely," I say.

"Good," he says, a smile spreading across his face, "it sounded lovely to me as well."

"Well, let's go!" Screams Joey suddenly, as he throws the ball to Caleb who catches it effortlessly and begins sprinting down the grassy stretch of lawn to the flat spot by the water where they had been playing. Joey follows closely behind him, his short strides unable to catch up. I laugh as they begin to play and can't help thinking how lucky I am to have two such amazing boys in my life.

ayye I hope y'all enjoyed! I'm posting the next chapter rn! so yeah! make sure to vote if you liked it!!! ily all x -e

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