bad timing and cyber hate

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hey! I posted when I said I would!!! I deserve a pat on the back or something bc this NEVAAA happens! make sure to vote on this chapter and if I get 150 votes by wednesday i promise I'll give you guys a new chapter on Thursday! (a day earlier than my updating time) but idk if that will happen... i'm at 115 rn so how hard can it be?? so yeaaa, make sure to hit that vote button right up there!^-^

ily all x -e

A door closing downstairs wakes me up. Somebody just left. It must be Mum, Dad and Joey leaving to the baseball tournament. I'm so proud of my little brother. He's always loved soccer but he's so athletic, I'm not surprised he expanded over to baseball. He definitely inherited the athletic gene from Dad. Wait, if they've just left it must mean Caleb's here! I'm really glad I get to spend two nights and two days of quality time with him. I mean, at the same time I'm sad I don't get to be with my family but I've missed Caleb so, so much. I grab my phone from my bedside table and do the usual morning things: checking Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Annie is the top user and I'm super proud of her. She loves doing musicals on it and I've got a few followers as well because of a few duets we've done and musicals we've done together. And of course, we made Caleb get one, where he makes absolutely hilarious musicals which pretty much make me laugh until I'm crying when I watch them. But as I'm scrolling through my feed the same stabbing stomach pain jabs my stomach. I drop my phone and clutch my abdomen for a few minutes until it dies down. After I'm done with my morning phone ritual, I get up to make my bed. As I stand up I stub my pinky toe on the bedside table and it hurts really, really bad. I clutch it in my hand and for some reason it gets me so angry. I actually want to scream at the top of my lungs but instead tears come. I wipe them away quickly, who cries when they stub their toe? I flip the covers back to pull up the sheets up and when I see is unreal. There is a large red stain on my rose pattern Cath Kidston sheets. Blood. My brain automatically thinks 'nose bleed' but I quickly push away the idea because I haven't had one for years. Then it dawns on me: I've gotten my period. My heart skips a beat and my eyes dart down to my light pink striped pajama pants. The red stains on them confirm it. I snatch my Piglet bathrobe up from on the floor and put it on so it covers it up. I've never gotten it before, and when I asked Mum why she always said I'd get it soon enough. Mum! Oh God, Mum's not here! How do I do this? Where does Mum even keep the stuff for periods? I have absolutely no idea... And it's not like I can run around looking for it with Caleb in the house! I go to the bathroom and change into new pajamas and resort to toilet paper and cotton balls instead of pads and tampons for now. Maybe if Caleb leaves at some point I can search the house for some real stuff... Just then my phone buzzes. I pick it up to see it's a photo I've been tagged in from none other than my hate page. I've learned to ignore the haters, including my hate page. I know they're just jealous, but it kinda hurts. It was made a few days after last Christmas... Merry Christmas Ebony! Here's a hate page! But Caleb and Annie assured me it was nothing. I guess it always bugged me, but how could it not? The username was @evry1h8ebonyrose. They have quite a few followers as well, and post stupid things like photos of me with my face photoshopped to look like a beetle or a slug. Of course, all the Bratayley fan pages on Instagram blow up their feed with hate, but I just try my hardest to ignore them. I open my phone to see what it is now and it's a picture of me but my face is a screamin demon. I swallow hard. The comment on the post says "Ebony should move to Dubai or kill herself, we all know her and her freaky anxiety issues are a charity project for the Bratayley family, especially Caleb, and they all secretly hate her. Go 2 hell bitchhhhh!" For some reason this post brothers me. It's for sure one of the worst in a while and I can't help feeling angry. But not at the fanpage, I'm angry at Caleb. Why does everybody need to hate me in order for me to be happy? I never did anything to them, they just feel the need to hate on me. Why do they all need to love my boyfriend? I don't want to share him! He's MINE. He loves ME. When can people accept that and stop hating on me? Why doesn't he do anything about it? He just lets them hate on me and obsess over him. My stomach hurts again, and I can't tell if it's from my anger and sadness or period cramps but they make me resort to my bloodstained bed and curl up in a ball. I don't know if it's the pain or if it's my anger and sadness that makes me cry, but I do cry and I cry a lot. Tears pour down the face and run down my nose and in my mouth and down my chin. After a few minutes I hear footsteps coming down the hall, it must be Caleb. I jump out of bed and pull the covers up in one swift movement so he doesn't see the red stains. Then in the remaining second or two I try to rub the tears out of my eyes. As the door opens I hear Caleb say, "goodmorning Eb!" Then he appears in the doorway, smiling softly his eyes fall on me and his smile disintegrates into a frown. "What's wrong Ebony?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." I mutter and sit down on my fuzzy white chair then stand up abruptly, remembering periods + white = bad!!! He looks at me with one eyebrow raised and a smile begins to spread across his face like it always does when he's planning something...

"Does somebody need a hug?" He asks and runs up to me with his arms outstretched. He hugs me tightly and then kisses me but I remain stiff the entire time. "Aweee Eb, does your stomach still hurt?"

"What do you think?" I ask angrily. Then I begin crying again.

"I'm sorry Eb, I'll go get you some painkillers. Are you hungry?" He asks, wiping a tear away and taking my hand. I nod slightly. "Okay bubs, let's go downstairs." He picks me up and it makes me feel safe, I love it when he carries me. He takes me downstairs and sets me on a stool by the island. I wrap my arms around myself because I'm cold and I didn't wear my bathrobe down and when Caleb sees me shivering he runs to the living room and grabs a blanket off the couch for me. He drapes it over my shoulders and a smile appreciatively at him. He then gets me pain killers from the bathroom and tea to drink. He gets us strawberries and Nutella to dip them in because he knows that's my favorite breakfast. I kiss him on the cheek as we eat them and he wraps an arm around me.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asks.

"Yes, you've cured me," I joke. He laughs and eats another strawberry. As I'm about to tell him he has Nutella on his face, the cramps begin again. I clutch my stomach and Caleb rubs my back at tells me I'll be okay until they pass.

The rest of the morning pretty much is a repeat of my stomach killing and Caleb soothing me, but we're watching telly on the couch. It's 1:00 and we're about to make some lunch. My abdomen has a stabbing pain for the third time in a row and as we're walking to the kitchen it hurts so bad I need to stop walking and double over to wait for the pain to subside.

"Do you want me to call my mom and ask her to bring you to a doctor?" Asks Caleb, kneeling down to the cold tile floor where I'm sitting.

"No, I'm fine," I insist.

"Okay..." he says, then picks me up and carries me to the island.


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