the 'off night'

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hey guyss! if this chapter gets 40 votes, I PROMISE I'll give you an extra mini chapter this weekend!!


After dinner Caleb and I go up to my room because he's sleeping over tonight. We have our final day of biology lessons tommorow, and Leila and I have arranged a sleepover at my house. Katie's gonna pick us up after class and drive us here. We watch the Bratayley vlog for today and then get into bed. I'm really tired from school today and Mum hasn't been on our backs about making Caleb sleep in a different bed from me, so he climbs into bed next to me. I think our parents are getting used to the idea of us sleeping in the same bed, but tell us not to if they remember. At the same time they of course know and trust that him and I are responsible and would never do anything to disappoint them.

I love snuggling in bed with Caleb. He's so much taller than me, and his long arms wrap around me, making me feel safe and secure. I put my hands on his hands, and lay with my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"You played a nice game today," I say. I can almost hear him smiling as he talks.

"Thanks, Eb."

"Love you."

"Love you, too." I feel him reach up to turn off the light and we lay in silence for a few minutes, and then I fall asleep to the rising and falling of his chest.


Something is not right. It's pitch black. I my eyes dart to the time on my digital bedside clock. It's 3:27 in the morning. I put my hand across to hold Caleb but there are only cold bedsheets. I hear heavy breathing and squint at the foot of the bed. I see his shadow, leaning forward.

"Caleb?" I ask, no response. Something is very wrong. My heart begins beating faster. I find a switch and turn on the fairy lights that are hung along the walls of my room, the dim yellow light reveals him hunched over and clutching his heart. HIS HEART. My scattered, tired mind abruptly understands what's going on. Something's happened that has to do with his heart problems. I sit up quickly and in one smooth movement I'm by his side.

"Caleb?" I ask. I look at him, his breaths are shallow and quick, but every once in awhile he's able to take a deeper one that comes out shuddery. "Oh my God." I say, my heart has begun racing he can't speak, but we make eye contact and his eyes are filled with fear and pain. I can't think straight, my head's pounding. I don't know what to do. I blindly feel for my phone to call an ambulance but I don't know where it is, and I refuse to tear my eyes away from Caleb. "M-Mum. I need to get Mum." I stutter, about to get up..

Caleb grabs my arm, "no," he says weakly. I look at him like he's crazy, but he motions for me to sit down. His face his contorted with pain. "It's normal for this to happen," he says, wincing.

"This is not normal, Cae, I'm getting Mum right now."

"Yes, it doesn't happen very often but when it does it-" He stops speaking and clutches his chest again. I rub his back and put my arms around him, whispering to him until the pain passes.

His breathing has become rapid again and he's doubled over, "you're going to be okay, Bubs, everything's gonna be just fine." I whisper, trying my hardest to sound brave for him. I kiss his head like he does for me whenever I'm in pain.

Once he's able to sit up again, he continues. "This happens a lot it's my cardiac pacemaker. It's what they put in to basically replace my heart that doesn't work too well and it can hurt sometimes... Resulting in nights like this. Mom calls them my off nights. It's kinda become the norm in our family. Mom and Annie are normally the ones who come down to my room when I'm having an 'off night' and it passes but the pain comes in waves and hurts a lot-" Suddenly he's doubled over again, and I sooth him until the pain passes again.

"So explain the cardiac pacemaker again?" I ask once he's able to talk.

"It's replacing my heart, it sends electric shocks that replace heart beats, and it hurts sometimes... Until I get used to it, which can take a few years. It's for old people. My stupid disease is for freaking old people." He says, annoyed. He still sounds winded. I feel awful for him.

"Well you're my old person." I say, rubbing his back. He looks really worn out and just shakes his head. "Do you need water?" I ask, ready to get up.

"I can do it," he insists.

"Caleb I don't know about that-" But he's already standing up. I really don't think this is a good idea, he's in a really bad state. I jump up and walk beside him.

I try to put my arm around him, "no, Eb, I can walk across a room." His breath wavers and he stop walking. It's happening again.

CLIFFHANGER!! remember, 40 votes = PART TWO

x -e

P.S. This person is copying my story, almost word for word and I want to get them  jjfr reported/deleted, or maybe we can convince her to take it down...? Go report her and maybe we can kick her off Wattpad! ily all sm!xx

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