goodbyes & adventure

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hheyyy here's your extra chapter cuz I got 70 votes on monday's!

65 votes = new chapter on friday!!

It was a big debate in our family whether I was still in good enough condition to go to England with Caleb and Joey, but it was decided I could go. We are going to Brighton, England, the city I moved to America from about a year ago. I hated England, because I was bullied all the time. However, Joey, my nine year old little brother, absolutely loved England and had so many friends. His best friend was Andy, and they were a little inseparable foursome with Oliver and Owen. Andy's sister is Zoey. Zoey was in my grade and she made fun of me for about every single thing it was possible to make fun of me for. From my freckles, to my glasses, to the lisp I used to have she's made me feel worse about myself... And Caleb, Joey and I are staying at their house. Mum would have booked a hotel, but she was friends with Zoey and Andy's mum and this trip is about Joey getting to see his friends again, so it only seemed fair that we stay at his best friend's house. We leave tomorrow morning, Mum's driving us to the airport at 5:00. It's currently 9:00 at night and I'm sitting on my bed, looking at two suitcases, one belongs to me and the other belongs to Caleb, who;s sleeping over tonight so it's easier to leave in the morning. I fold my legs up to my chest, and continue watching the Bratayley vlog whilst Caleb is in the bathroom brushing his teeth. As the vlog ends, the baked potato song comes on and Caleb ducks is head out of the room.

"Baked poooo-tayyy-tooooh," he sings along. I laugh and he comes to the bed as well.

"I'm so excited to go to England," he says. I swallow hard, the truth is, I'm kinda scared to go back to England. Caleb knows, but I don't think he quite understands the level of how awful Zoey was to me. She made me constantly feel like I was less than human, and told lies about me that made me seem so different from everybody else. She told people at school that I didn't have a panic attack, I got possessed by a demon in class and people actually believed her. It was so stupid, but so life running. I stuck to me like crazy glue. She also used to trip me all the time and then say in her snobby high pitched voice, "oops, maybe you should get a stronger glasses prescription, retard."

"I'm excited to show you around Brighton," I say, taking his hand and putting my head on his shoulder.

He rubs my arm, "we should sleep, Eb, it's an early morning tomorrow."

"Alright, goodnight Cae." I say, pulling back the covers for us to get in bed.

"Night, Eb," he says, and pulls the covers to our chins,


Beep-beep-beep my alarm sounds. I hit off and a tsunami of excitement hits me. Caleb, Joey, and I are going to England today. I turn my bedside lamp on and turn to talk with Caleb, but I find he's fast asleep. I move his bangs out of his eyes softly, "Calebbb," I whisper. His nose twitches, "time to get up, bubs," I say softly.

He groans, "s' too earlyyy."

"We're going to Englannnnd," I say, drawing out the n playfully.

"Okay, okay... Fine." He sits up and I smile. We get dressed, I put on leggings and a Nike sweatshirt, comfy for the long plane ride. Then I correct my makeup and push on my glasses. I pin my short hair behind my ears and we go down stairs. Mum's awake, and she has fruit salad and waffles made for us.

"You just made my morning, Laura," Caleb says, eyeing the waffles. We laugh as Joey enters the room. We eat breakfast, having a conversation about everything we must show Caleb in Brighton.

"The Brighton Wheel for sure," says Joey, talking about the big ferris wheel by the coast.

"Yes, and The Lanes for shopping," I say, talking about a shopping street in the center of town.

"AND GLAZE!" Says Joey, Glaze was our absolute favorite bakery in Brighton.

"And the pier of course," says Mum. The Brighton Pier is a long boardwalk that stretches out the ocean and there are cute shops along the way.

"And the Brighton and Hove seafront to go swimming!" I say.

"Geez, it sounds like we're gonna be busy!" Says Caleb, everybody laughs.

When it's time to go, Katie, Billy, Annie, Hayley, and Dad come out to the yard to say goodbye as we get into Mum's car.

"I love you three to the moon and back, stay safe," says Katie, hugging and kissing us.

"Love you, Ebby, Annie and Hayley say.

"I love you guys so much," I say, giving them tight hugs. Joey kisses Hayley on the cheek, which is the most adorable thing ever. Everybody's fully aware they have a thing for eachother and our Mum hope they'll date in the future.

"Love you, Hayley," says Joey.

"Love you, Joey," she says. I'm not sure if they mean sibling love or more, because between our families the word love is used a lot.

"Bye guys!" I say, getting in the car, Joey in the middle. The entire ride to the airport consists of the list of places we need to see in Brighton getting longer and longer. By the time we arrive, I think we've listed everything we have in our memory of Brighton. Mum walks us to the place to get our tickets and by the time we're all set, we'll have to run to security to make it to the plane.

"I love you guys," says Mum, her eyes welling with tears. "And I wish I could come with you. Stay safe, okay?"

"Yeah, Mum, we'll be extra careful," says Joey.

Mum turns to Caleb and I, "you guys are going to a foreign country alone, be responsible and make sure Joey is always with you."

"Yes Mum," I say, hugging her. Caleb hugs her as well, and then Joey joins in. I hope everything goes just as planned in England...

I hope you guys liked it! comment "calbony" if you want a chapter the day after tmro!

65 votes = new chapter on friday!!

ily guys sm! xx-e

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