trust & security

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heyy sorry it's kinda late at night but hereeee's a new chapter! (btw this is continuing directly from the last chapter so if you're lost you can reread that one but basically eb's on her period and she's having cramps but doesn't want to tell Caleb...)

ily x-e

The rest of the morning pretty much is a repeat of my stomach killing and Caleb soothing me, but we're watching telly on the couch. It's 1:00 and we're about to make some lunch. My abdomen has a stabbing pain for the third time in a row and as we're walking to the kitchen it hurts so bad I need to stop walking and double over to wait for the pain to subside.

"Do you want me to call my mom and ask her to bring you to a doctor?" Asks Caleb, kneeling down to the cold tile floor where I'm sitting.

"No, I'm fine," I insist.

"Okay..." he says, then picks me up and carries me to the island.

As he sets me down at the island the pain seems to subside and he kisses me on the cheek. "I love you," I say.

"I love you too, do you want soup? I thought I saw a can..."

"That would be lovely," I say, smiling.

The soup is already on the oven and Caleb's already begun making tea. I feel bad that he's doing all the work, and my stomach doesn't hurt as much anymore so I get up and help him get some blueberries and tea for us while the soup is warming up. I'm really tired, so we sit on the couch and watch telly until it's time to eat. The soup is great, and it's even better with Caleb. I missed him so much it isn't funny. He's such a caring, amazing boyfriend. Katie texted him and we're going over there for dinner. I hope the cramps stop hurting by then, they probably will. After eating lunch, we play Minecraft. I'm still really bad at it, I don't exactly understand the game... But I like to go onto the server Caleb's on and follow him around. Most of the time I'll get killed really quickly, but it's fun while it lasts! An hour has passed before I get cramps again. I need to stop playing to tuck my legs into my stomach.

"Eb, you seem really sick. Do you want me to at least have my mom come over?" He asks.

"No, it's fine." I assure him, still wincing in pain.

"Okay," he says hesitantly. "But I'm going to bring you upstairs. You need to lay down and sleep Ebony." I nod, because how can I argue with that? Sleeping doesn't even sound that bad right now... He picks me up and heads to my room. We enter it and then I remember: The blood on the sheets. Oh God. He's going to find out! I have a few seconds before he puts me in bed. I try twisting out of his grip but he's holding me really tight, he always does when he carries me upstairs so he doesn't drop me, obviously.

"Ummm... Eb?..." He says, looking at the mess.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Caleb, it's my first period I've ever had. I didn't want to tell you that because I thought you might laugh at me and it's really embarrassing. Also I don't have anything for it and I couldn't make you help me with that, you obviously wouldn't want to... And I don't know what to do and I don't want everything to be all weird. This has been why my stomach has been hurting, they're period cramps. I'm so so sorry I didn't tell you Caleb. I didn't know what to do. I've been panicking all day. I feel so stupid," by the time I'm done speaking there are tears running down my face.

"Oh my God Eb, I would have helped you from the second you said you needed me. I wouldn't laugh at you, but I understand you're scared. I mean, I would be too," he laughs. "But I know there must be something between your house and mine for you to use for it."

I laugh in relief between my tears and hug him, "thank you. I love you Caleb."

"I love you too, Ebony. But let's find something for you. Also aren't you supposed to have a hot water pack on your stomach or something?"

"Yeah," I say. "I think so, honestly I have no clue."

"Do you want me to call my mom now?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say smiling. "Katie would be great right now."

Katie comes over and helps me out, she also shows me what medicine helps with cramps and gives me a hot water bottle. I feel much. much better. Then we go to the LeBlanc's house where Annie and Hayley are watching Rapunzel. Caleb and I join in with them and we all watch it for a while, before we eat dinner. I really love Rapunzel, it's for sure my favorite Disney movie of all time. We have pasta and homemade sauce Katie made with the whole family. I love them so much. I've missed family dinners with the LeBlancs. I've missed all of them. They're basically my family. I love them so much and the way Katie has helped me today only reminded me of how much I have missed them while I was in Russia.

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