rest and recovery

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hey guys!

here's your exra MINI chapter!

if this gets 40 votes, I'll post a chapter on monday x-e

"Let's get you back to the bed," I say, taking his arm. He doesn't hesitate, and leans on me as I help him back into the bed.

"I just wanted to do it on my own," he whispers.

"I know, I know," I say softly, rubbing his back. Then I jump up and get him some water. I stroke his hair and he rests his head on my arm. The nervous adrenaline rush fades away and reality begins to hit. Whenever I think about Caleb's Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy I become really scared and stressed. I hate seeing him in the state he's in now. I can almost feel his pain. Tears burn in my eyes and slowly drip down my face. I don't want him to be sick. I don't want his cardiac pacemaker to hurt him. I don't want him to need a cardiac pacemaker. It's all so unfair. But I know it'll upset him if he sees me crying so I try to blink away my tears. I turn my head to his head and face him. He's asleep. Thank God, that must mean it's over. I reach my head up and kiss his forehead. "I love you," I whisper, and reach up to turn off the light.


"Ebby," I hear Caleb whisper.

"Nooo," I moan.

"Class awaits..."

I groan, and then the memories of what happened begin flowing into my mind. Caleb's 'off' night. My heart skips a beat. That was so scary, he kept saying he was fine but I was so scared and overwhelmed. I open my eyes and grab his wrist.

"Are... are you okay?" I ask.

His eyes drift down as if he's embarrassed, "I am now... Uh, thanks for being there for me, Ebony."

"Of course," I say, hugging him. Tears sting in my eyes, I don't know if they're tears of relief, or of shock, or of fear but they slide down my cheeks. As we pull away he sees I'm crying and he leans in and wipes them away with his thumb.

"Don't cry, Eb, it's over now. I'm okay!" He smiles as if he's trying to prove it to me.

I return his smile but tears are still welling in my eyes, "I was just so scared. I didn't know what would happen to you and-" He stops my words by kissing me.

"I'm fine," he whispers in my ear.

"It was just... Scary," I say very softly.

"Eb, don't you think it was scary for me that time we were hiking and we needed to stop because we seriously thought you were going to die or something? I was terrified."

"Caleb, that was an allergies, not a serious heart condition."

He shrugs, "all I'm saying is I think we worry too much. I love you, and I really wanna try living in the moment, you know?"

I nod, "okay," I whisper. He kisses my head and wraps his arms around me.

"Now let's get ready for school."

remember, 40 votes = chapter on monday! ily all! xx

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