sleepless night

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hey guys! heres the chapter! sorry i didn't update on monday i've been super busy! so this is continuing straight from the last chapter... and i'll bet you all forget what's going on but basicallyyyyy...

 eb's parents are away at joey's baseball tournament for a couple days and eb + cae are staying and eb's house ANDD she just got her first period so they went over to the leblanc's for katie to help eb and they stayed for dinner!

alright, i hope you guys like it! x -e

I've missed family dinners with the LeBlancs. I've missed all of them. They're basically my family. I love them so much and the way Katie has helped me today only reminded me of how much I have missed them while I was in Russia.

"So I was thinking," says Katie. "We aren't doing anything tommorow but the girls gym practice in the morning and I thought it would be fun to have Katie, Brennan, Ryan, Liv, Wyatt, and Brody over for dinner. Does that sound good? Maybe you all could go swimming or play a game while Billy and I get some time with adults."

"YES!" Annie and Hayley shout.

"I haven't seen Katie forever! It seems like she's missed a month of gym practice but she's only missed a one day!" Says Annie.

"Yeah, that sounds great but are you good with that Ebony?" Asks Caleb.

"Of course, I'd love to hang out with them! I haven't seen them since I got back from Russia!" I say.

"Great," says Katie, "I'll text them now."


It's 1:00am and I can't sleep. Caleb said goodnight and went to Joey's room to sleep two hours ago. My stomach hurts again and I feel anxious for no reason. My body just feels tense and everything is painful. I really wish Mum was here. I know she needed to go to Joey's tournament, which was postponed to tommorow because of weather, and I can't wait to see how he does but I miss my family. I love the LeBlancs of course, and Katie and Billy are like my other parents! I just miss my own mother. I turn over on my pillow and inhale through my mouth. There must have been sand or dust on my pillow, or maybe pollen blew in through the open window. I'm not sure exactly what it is but something burns my throat. I try to swallow it down but it only becomes worse. I cough, but it still is killing me. The single cough triggers an allergy fit or something because I begin coughing unstoppably. I sit up on the side of my bed because my doctor told me it's better that way. My entire body aches and is being thrown forward with force every time I cough. It begins to hurt my back and the motion is giving me a headache. Not to mention feeling lightheaded because I can barely breath. I try to keep them muffled by putting my head in my pillow but it doesn't work. I stumble toward my bathroom door and grip the edge of the sink, blindly feeling for my water glass. My fingers touch something cold but I cough and my hand pushes out with force. I hear glass shattering as my crystal glass from England hits the tile bathroom floor. Damnit! I turn on the sink and cup my hands for something to drink, and thank God that helps. I've stopped coughing after about five minutes of drinking tap water out of my cupped hands. The lights are still off, so I try to make my way out of the bathroom, neglecting the thought of the broken glass. Thanks to my stupidly, I feel a piece slice my foot and stinging pain rings through my body. I wince, trying not to scream. I can't see that it's bleeding, but I know it is. I sit down on the side of the bathtub and feel for the light. I switch it on and look at my foot. Blood is dripping down in a mass of bright red. I've never been a big fan of blood, and it catches me way off guard when I see it dripping down my foot. I gag and turn away and then begin to feel lightheaded again. I want to go back to bed, I want to just fall asleep. I'm so tired and angry at myself. I stand up to get a washcloth to apply pressure so it doesn't bleed anymore. After taking half a tiny step, my legs are wobbling and trembling beyond belief. I trip over my own feet and fall on the cold tiles, making a rather large thud, and all the movement of course made my huge bottle of shampoo on one of the higher shelves in the shower falls. Imagine an obese baby alligator falling from four feet in the air. That's the sound the damn shampoo bottle made, echoing off the shower walls. Great. I catch myself from hitting my face, but land hard on my palms and try to push myself up with no success. And as I was falling I was trying to grip the wall for balance, and as I result I shut the lights off. So it's pitch black again. I lower my head down and press my temple to the floor. I can hear the pipes below the floor murmuring. I feel super dizzy and all around in pain. I lay there for a few seconds, debating whether I will positively fall when I get up, or if I probably will. A door creaking open interrupts me. I hear bare feet padding across the floor and Caleb whisper-shouts "Ebony?"

"Yup," I respond.

"Where are you?"

"Bathroom. On the floor." I hear some shuffling and then the dim lantern lamp hanging in my room flicks on. Yellow light burst out and I can see him, in his plaid pajamas and gray shirt with his baseball team's logo. His hair slightly messed up and his mouth is etched in a straight, concerned line, and his eyes are filled with concern and confusion. His whole body looks tired, and I can tell he's just woken up, very suddenly. (Thank you obese alligator over sized shampoo bottle!)

"Why are you on the ground?" He mumbles sleepily.

"Uhm, long story, but I'm bleeding really bad so can you help me?" His eyes widened and he rushed to my side.

"Oh my God where are you bleeding?" He asks.

"Just my foot," I say, turning to face him. I bump my nose on the ground as I'm moving my face. It hurts and I bring my hand to it. It comes off slick with blood. Wow, that's just what I needed! "Make that my foot and my nose," I add.

"Oh God, uh, let's sit you up first." He helps lean me against the bathtub as I explain everything, from missing Mum to the allergic reaction to the broken glass to the falling from the rim of the tub. By then end I'm sobbing from sadness and pain. Caleb thinks all the glass is out of my foot, because it was just one piece. It doesn't hurt anymore, it was just a long, thin cut. As for my nose, it bled a lot before stopping but it did stop. Caleb and I decided we'd deal with the broken glass all over the floor tommorow.

"You must be so tired," he says.

"Yeah," I mumble as he finished wrapping the bandage around my head. I take a sip of the icy water he got for me and he kisses me on the cheek. I still feel gross, and sad, and angry at myself. A tear slips down my cheek. Caleb wipes it away with his thumb without saying a word. Then he picks me up and lays me in bed softly. He lays beside me and I curl in next to him. He puts his arms around me and I feel so safe. My worries vanish and my thoughts dissolve in the rhythm of our breaths which have become in sync. The relaxation and calmness covers me like a blanket and sleep envelops me in it's soft arms.

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