hold on forever

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this is it, guys! the final chapter of my two book series! there will be an epilogue on friday and i think i will be putting the first chapter of my new book up on saturday!! i really hope you like it and i love you all so much!!!! xx-e

Ever since Mum has gotten the promotion on her job our lives have been so much easier. It's been a month and a half since Dad left and I don't entirely know how we've been managing, but we're doing it. Mum is doing better, but honestly I don't know what we would do if we didn't have Katie and Billy. We're like one big functioning family. I love them all so much it's crazy. I lay in my bed, going through my Instagram notifications. The Bratayley fans know something is going on with our family, but I don't think they know what it is or why. I guess they'll put it together eventually when they realize they haven't seen Dad in the vlogs for a couple months. I look at the photos I've been tagged in. There are so many screenshots from the vlogs that have been made into edits. My favorite are the video edits. They are so pretty and nice and people put so much work into them. I feel so lucky to have people who are supporting me no matter what I do or where I go. I'm close to a million subscribers on my channel. I post often on it, once or twice a week. I'm never going to stop. I've made so many friends and it's become a part of me. I sit on my bed, scrolling through my channel. It's 10:00 am and I just woke up. I'm about to get up and do my makeup before the door to my room is opened and Caleb steps in.

"Hey Bubs," I say.

"Good morning," he says, joining me in my bed. He kisses my nose and holds my hand. We lay there for a few minutes, and I can't help feeling so thankful for him. He's been here for me for just about a year. The most amazing year of my life. I wouldn't trade anything I have gotten this year for anything. I got a new family. I got a life. I became happy. Honestly, it's all thanks to this brunette boy being friendly to me that day a year ago. That day that changed everything. My life became better in the blink of an eye.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks, squeezing my hand.

"You... Us.... Everything," I say.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you," I say.

"Wanna go do something?" He asks.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Milly's Scoop Shop?" He asks. I smile, that's where we went on our first date. It's a ten minute walk from here.

"Sounds perfect," I say, getting out of bed to get ready.

We go downstairs to tell Mum where we're going and leave. He takes my hand as we walk out the door.

"This has been a crazy year," he says softly.

"Crazy," I repeat. He squeezes my hand.

"Ebony," he says.

"Yes, Caleb?"

"Sure this year has been crazy, but it's been the best year of my life."

"Mine too," I say. He pulls me closer to him as we walk along the sidewalk. I wrap an arm around him and squeeze his hand. I try to think back to when we first moved to America. Back then I was tiny, scared, timid, shy, and sad Ebony. Now I'm strong. So many new people have entered my life. I have changed so much for the better and I couldn't be more thankful.

"Ebony," he says.

"Yes, Caleb?"

"Hold on forever."

"I always will."

And I did.

The End

make sure to vote on this chapter for the epilogue on friday!!

ily all so much and i want to thank you for all the support you have given me on this journey of people reading my writing!!! comment below if you have been here since the beginning, i owe it all to you.

xx and thank you-e

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