a concert and a call from home

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The last two days have gone by fairly quick. We went to Brighton pier and the beach like we promised Caleb, and of course went touristy shopping and all that jazz. It's been so much fun, but at the same time very hard. Zoey has been forcing herself on Caleb, and it's been getting worse and worse. I love Caleb so much, and I know he loves me but I just can't help having second thoughts as Zoey endlessly flirts with him. Other than that annoying bit, it hasn't been terrible. The only times I'm miserable is when we hang out with Zoey as well as her horrible friends Eden and Ella. They make me so indescribably angry and I don't know what to do around them other than glare and look away.

Tonight we're going to the R5 concert at Brighton Centre that Zoey's mum surprised us with. I've never been obsessed with R5 at all, but Zoey is. And unfortunately so are Ella and Eden so they'll be joining her, Caleb, and I tonight at the concert. They're coming over in an hour to go to it with us. Caleb and I are meant to be napping but I can't fall asleep. Caleb on the other hand is already out cold. I look at him from the other side of the huge sea foam green bed in our elegant room we're sleeping in at Zoey's house. His hair is falling into one of his closed eyes. I gently push it back in place and kiss his temple. He doesn't move a muscle as I wrap my arms around him and put my head on his chest. Soon I'm asleep with him.

"Eb," says Caleb, I look up to see his wide brown eyes looking down at me.

"Hello," I say.

"Ella and Eden are coming soon," he says, rolling his eyes. I giggle and get out of bed.

"I gotta get ready then," I say.

"You look fine." I look down at my outfit, I'm wearing sweatpants and a tee shirt.

"Thank you Caleb, but I don't think this outfit is concert worthy... Or public worthy for that matter." He laughs and I look through my belongings. I decide to wear a light purple skater dress Caleb picked out for me during one of the times we went to the mall. He says it's one of his favorite dresses I own, and I love how it flies up and swirls around when I spin. Everything about it screams fun. I slip on some sparkly flats and re apply my makeup. Caleb puts on some shorts and a nicer shirt and we go downstairs.

"Hi Caleb," Ella and Eden say at the same time. They're sitting at the kitchen table, both wearing very tight black dresses. Zoey comes in wearing a tight pencil skirt and black top with shiny pumps on. She flips a long lock of hair over her shoulder and says hello to Caleb as well. We get in Ella's mum's car and she drops us off at Brighton Centre.

As we're walking in, I see a very familiar face in the crowd and our eyes meet. Zoe Sugg! She runs up to me and gives me a hug.

"Ebony! How are you? I haven't seen you since VidCon!"

"I'm great!" I say, hugging her back. We chat for a bit, and she introduces me to her best friend Louise who also has a YouTube channel. I recognize her, but I need to begin watching her videos. Soon I hug her goodbye as the cloud pushes us apart.

"You know her?" Eden asks in jealousy, her eyes looking down like daggers at me.

"Yeah, we met at VidCon and email all the time," I reply, not caring if it sounds like I'm boasting.

"Hmph," she says angrily, and puts her head up in the air. Ella and Zoey glare at me until we find our way to our seats.

When R5 comes on stage, everybody goes crazy. People jump up and down and scream, making my ears ring. I've never been to such a huge concert. You'd think the people are mental, but no, they're just crazy fans. Once the music begins, it becomes even more insane. You would have thought these fan's life depended on screaming as loud as they possibly could. I smile and jump with the crowd like everybody else, and so does Caleb.

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