everything will be okay

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hey guyss sorry this chapter is a lil bit short... tbh i've beeen beginning to writing my next book bc im really excited about ittt

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"Any news Mom?" Asks Caleb. "Can we see her?"

Katie's face quickly changes back to upset, "we found out what's wrong and it will devastate Annie."

"What is it?" Asks Caleb, taking my hand.

"She doesn't have Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. She's over working herself. Ever since she moved up a level in gym, it's been nonstop gymnastics. She never stops, she doesn't want to, she wants to become an olympian... And her body basically shut down today after practice." Katie explains.

My heart leaps, she doesn't have Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. "Will she be okay?" I ask.

"Yes, she will be fine, but no gym for an entire month. They think she can go home tomorrow morning, but the doctors say we were smart for bringing her in." Katie smiles. Everybody begins crying tears of joy and hugging. Annie will be alright.

"I was so scared," says Caleb.

"Me too," I whisper.

Mum gives Caleb and I another hug, "I love you guys," she says.

"I love you Mum," I say. Joey joins the hug, he's still crying, probably because we left England early. I feel awful for him.

"Can we see her?" Asks Caleb. Katie nods and opens the door to a hospital room. Billy and Hayley are sitting on a bench with cushions beside a hospital bed. I the bed, sleeping, is Annie. She's hooked up to so many machines that are much bigger than her, making her appear even smaller than she is. Billy and Hayley run over to us and give us hugs. I pick Hayley up and we all walk to Annie. Caleb holds her hand.

"Annie did too much gymnastics," Hayley whispers to me. I hold her closer and she rests her head on my shoulder.

"She'll be okay," I say softly.

"Okay," says Hayley.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too," she says.


The rest of the night goes by very slowly. Hayley ends up falling asleep in my arms and Caleb, Hayley, and I sit in a squishy chair. Joey falls asleep with Mum and Katie. Billy sits in a chair by Annie. We talk softly about what we did in England. Then a question crosses my mind.

"Hey Mum, where's Dad?"

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Ebby! He's gone on a quick business trip. He'll be home tomorrow." She says.

"Oh, okay." I say, smiling. Soon I nod off to sleep myself, my head on Caleb's shoulder.


I wake up when Hayley wakes up, because I feel her moving on my lap.

"Goodmorning," I whisper.

"Annie's awake I think," she says, pointing at the bed. I walk to the hospital bed and I see her, she looks very confused when she sees me.

"Ebby? Aren't you supposed to be in England?" She asks warily.

"Yes, but we came home a couple days to see you," I say, sitting on the edge of my bed and wrapping my arms around her. She hugs me back, and Hayley hops onto the bed as well.

"Oh..." She says, she looks scared, like she's not sure where she is.

"Everything will be okay," I whisper, stroking her hair.

"I'm really tired," she says.

"Go to sleep," I whisper softly.

"Love you Ebby," she says, taking my hand.

"Love you Annie."

qotd: fave bratayley fanfic?

aotd: i really love anything by leah bratayleysfanclub jessie Jessienic12 and sophie pinkstreaks but there are so many out there I love

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