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Words: 1831


7 years ago

"Mariah!" Momma yelled from downstairs,

"Coming!" I sang, grabbing my book bag,

I'm getting ready for my first day of grade 2, which is also my birthday, I just turned 10! I'm so excited, I looked into the mirror, I got my long, brown hair in cute pigtails, my eyes were as sparkly as ever in their natural blue, and my outfit was stunning; I had a black and blue flannel and blue tights, I was so short, which sucked because I'm always bullied for it.

Today, I was thinking about talking to the most beautiful boy in Atlanta General Elementary; Josh Sparks.

"Mariah!" Momma screeched in terror,

"Mommy!?" I cry, to afraid to even open the door,

"Get back!" She yelled,

I subtly open my door, and peeked out to see nothing, so I walked to the railing of the stairs. I looked downstairs, to see a scary thingy chewing on momma, on the floor, while she's choking on her blood, I let out a strangled cry. The thing looked up at me at the small squeak that escaped my throat,

"No!" Mom croaked,

It charged up the stairs, falling and flailing it's arms. I ran to my room and closed the door, locking it, turning the little knob on the door handle.

I let out a sigh as I sit on the floor against the door.

A loud bang followed by groans hit against my door, I began to cry and scream. My momma and is gone...


I let out a little squeak as the door behind me has a sudden scratching sound as the pounding ends.

"It's okay, come out." A little voice whispers,

Someone my age... A boy...

I sniffle as I unlock my door and open it a little and peek out. I see the monster's head bashed in, and  little boy my age, wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, shovel in hand, messy short hair and beautiful blue eyes, like the galaxy Mrs. Grace told me about last year in grade 1.

"It's okay that thing is dead, my daddy, mommy and I are going to take care of you, hurry before more monsters come." The boy spoke,

I nodded and grabbed his hand, walking down the stairs. I moaned a little weep as we walked passed  my dead parents. The boy opened the door and pulled me quickly to a police car, and opened the shotgun door,

"C'mon!" His I think maybe dad his yelled,

I jumped as did the boy, we fit in one little seat. The boy strapped us in and looked at me,

"I'm Carl Grimes." He breathed,

"I'm Mariah Dixon"

"Nice to meet you Mariah, I'm Rick Grimes, and this is Lori" Carl's dad said, pointing to the women in the back,

"We will keep you safe." Carl smiled,

I smiled and looked outside the window, all I saw was, blood, guts, fire and death. A single tear slipped from my eye,

"Thank you."


7 years later


"Wake up dumbass!" I giggled, shaking Carl playfully,

He groaned as he rolled over, falling off the top bunk and landing on me, making us both fall flat on our backs on the concrete floor of our cell.

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