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Angel and I ran and ran, until we ended up in a run down shack.

"Mariah about what you said..." She started,

"No. Carl's right. I just don't want him to be happy. I want him to myself. And I can't have him. He's wants nothing to do with me. He wants you, his father and Judith. I'm just a faded piece of history, a figment of his childhood, blown to dust." I cried trying not to let her see my real pain,

I don't want her to give him up. I want him to be happy. And clearly he doesn't want me around. I screwed that up. He was all I lived for. No my life is a gaping hole ready to swallow me in.

I am over.

I walked away from her, letting her wallow in my wise confession. I went to a seprate room, sitting on the dusty bed. Letting my head fall in my hands.


I couldn't stop looking at the front door; waiting for Carl to come back inside. I blocked everyone out around me, watching the door, waiting for Carl to walk back in...

I eventually got the nerve to walk to the door. I put my small hand on the cold, brass door knob, turning it, and pulling it open to reveal the open night sky, and I walked out.

Carl was sitting on the gravel road, head in hands. I walked over to him, sitting beside him.

"Carl, I-..."

"No Mariah, I get it." Carl cut me off, "You want to ruin my life."

"It's not that Carl, it's just...-"

"You are selfish! It's just you are selfish, you want your best friend! I get it! And anyone who even I am slightly attracted to is your enemy!"

He doesn't understand that his girlfriend is not good!

"She is my everything, and if you can't except that, than we can't be friends anymore." He muttered angrily,

"I can't." I whispered,

"Then it's done. Goodbye Mariah."

My heart sank to my stomach,

Goodbye Mariah.



I felt tears brim my eyes, I grabbed my wrist and pulled off the bracelet, throwing it at him, quite frankly, not caring where it landed.

"Goodbye Carl."

End of flashback

I removed my hands from my face and stood up off the bed. Taking the sheets off with me. I tied them together, then managed to get it attatched to the ceiling. I grabbed the chair that was sitting by the desk in the room, and stood on it, tying it around my neck,

"I'm sorry dad." I whipered before jumping off the chair,

I gasped and clawed for air, but there I hung, staring at my dangling feet.

(A/N: sorry if that was triggering. )


Daryl's POV

(While they were being taken)

I heard my daughter scream as the men took her away. I tried my best to go after them, but the other men had their guns trained on me.

The car sped away and I dropped to my knees,

"Nice doin' buissness with ya guys." I nodded towards us,

"Ya sick son o' a bitch bring back ma daughter." I growled,

After the short tsks he laughed,


Him and his men left, and I just stayed there on my knees.

"Daryl I...-"

"Git!" I growled, standing up, "Don't follow me."

I walked into the woods aimlessly. What are they going to do to my baby girl? Kill her? Hurt her? ... Rape her? I punched the nearest tree. That shit gets me pissed, the thought of anyone hurting my strong girl.


After while it got dark, I found a near by cabin, just did. A scream erupted through the cabin, I ran in, seeing Angel standing in a doorway.

She was with Mariah...

I looked at what she was screaming at to see MY daughter hanging by bedsheets.

"No!" I yelled, pushing Abgel out of the way,

I grabbed Mariah, untying the fabric from her neck, I put my ear to her chest, no pulse. I began doing CPR, pushing on her chest and breathing in her mouth,

"Angel?" Carl's voice called, confused,

I didn't mind him I just continued pumping on her chest.

"Mariah!" Carl yelled,

Carl's POV

I followed Daryl through the woods. I wanted to make sure Angel and Mariah were safe. 

I walked into the cabin a little bit after Daryl did so he didn't flip on me. Angel at on the couch rocking back and forth staring off into space.

"Angel?" I asked, confused,

"Mariah." She said shakily, not looking at me,

I tilted my head, then peered over to the sound of Daryl's grunting. He was doing CPR on Mariah.


Daryl put his head up to he chest, then sat beside her, with his head in his hands.

I am not letting her die.

I ran over to her, doing CPR, hoping she might wake up, once I pressed my lips to hers, I began breathing air into her, then, she opened her eyes.


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