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I woke up, and looked around, expecting Carl to be there. Was this a dream? He never wakes up before me...

"Get up!" Rick's rough voice calls,

I stop up, and walked out the door, there Rick was, standing outside my door smiling,

"Have a good sleep?" He asked,

"I had an interesting sleep I guess you could say." I groan,

It felt so real...

"Everyone else is on the tracks Mar, we gotta head out again." He sighed,

"A'ight, let's go."


I stayed silent, something I seem to do in a lot. That dream I had about Carl holding me again felt so real... But it wasn't.

A tear rolled down my cheek at the thought of my sorrow.

"Mar, you alright?" Rick asked, walking ahead to walk beside me,

"I miss dad." I lied,

"Mariah Rose Dixon, I know you better then that, you are lying. I know it's about Carl, you two seemed so close before Angel came into our lives. I get it. I don't approve of her either. She has a power over Carl that makes him more... Hateful, more obsessed. I know how you feel Mar, I feel like I lost him too." He cooed,

"Then kick her out." I muttered coldly,

"I can't do that to Carl, god knows what he would do..." He sighed,

I groaned in frustration as I looked back at Carl and Angel, walking hand in hand, smiling at each other. The way he looks at her. With true affection, like there is no place he'd rather be when she's there. Like it's not even gravity that's holding him down t earth, it's her.

That's what tore us apart...

I sighed as I contained walking,


"Carl baby, I don't want you to be scared okay? This is what I want. This is right. Now take care of  your daddy for me alright? Mariah too. And your little brother or sister, take care of them. You're gonna be fine, you are gonna beat this world, I know you will. You are smart, and you are strong, and you are so brave. And I love you. You gotta do what's right. It's so easy to do the wrong thing in this world. So if it feels wrong, don't do it alright? If it feels easy, don't do it. Don't let the world spoil you, you're so good, my sweet boy. The best thing I ever did. I love you." Lori coughed,

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