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Hey, so recently, I've picked up a new writing style, so don't get too confused. It's different but its better than before.


Rick's POV

The group set camp here until Daryl and Carl came back.

"They'll come back." Michonne said, taking a seat next to me in a car,

"It's not just them I'm worried about. It's Mariah. I feel like the feeling she has about Angel might be right." I huffed,

She shooke her head and left the car, leaving me to think.


Eventually, I got out of the car, looking around at my people. They still haven't came back. Ryan was sitting alone, head in hands, crying.

"Ryan." I greeted,

"They took her." He sobbed, "They took Mariah." He cried,

I rubbed his back soothingly, I wonder how Mariah is right now.

Carl's POV

(A/N listen to Love The Way You Lie by Eminem ft. Rhianna)

She opened her eyes, the first thing she did was cry. I held her as she sobbed, Daryl had already left the room, yelling at Angel. I was to busy to pay attention on what he was yelling at her for.

"I'm sorry Carl." She sobbed,

"No, I'm sorry. We shouldn't of faught. Over something so stupid."

"Over Angel?"

Oh... Did I really mean that?


"Say it. Angel isn't good for you." She seethed, getting out of my grip,

"You don't know the half of it Mariah." I breathed,

She stood up, gritting her teeth, and walking ivee to her father. She hugged him, tears were seen in his eyes. This is the first time anyone has seen Daryl Dixon cry. Ever. I keep my distance, I don't want to be around Angel. She made me feel somthing I didn't think I'd ever feel for her, hatred. I dont want to be around her. But Mariah, the moment I saw her lay on the floor lifeless, I knew that my heart had smashed into peices. Ive known her for 8 years. This one year, we've spent hating eachother. Why can't I just get her back? It seems like all I want is her now. Just to hold her. But I don't know why. I dont like her... do I? No.

Mariah's POV

(A/N still listen to the song )

Why does he do this to me? He's the reason for everything. Why I'm still breathing, why I hate Mariah, why I'm so cold, why... I tried to kill myself. I alwayd it was impossible for someone who you loved to cause so much pain. Wait... Loved...? I just about gave up. I let go of dad, lookjng over to Angel.

"I didn't know you were gonna kill yourself. I should of stopped you... She cried,

I growled and nodded, then left the old cabin. The other sgortly behind me.


Dad led us back to our group, Ryan was ecstatic to see me, but I and felt the same, but something felt off... A click of a gun took me out of my trance, followed by a cold rung being pressed to my temple... And it was coming from Angel.


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Okay, so I'd just like to say there is at least 6 more chapters left of this book. Butttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt there will be a second book which is wayyyyy longer than this one. It's already planned out. I'd like to add a suggestion, if you like the new movie Suicide Squad, and fell in love with Joker as did I, check out my book, Made Me This Way. It's not getting as much veiws as this one😣. But I love y'all anyways. Please comment and vote!

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