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I was sitting in the kitchen, thinking about what I've lost. My father, my best friend, and my willing to live. I miss my dad so damn much!

"Hey Mars bar." Michonne smiled, walking into the kitchen,

"Hey." I said bluntly,

"Carl, he...-"

"Don't talk about him! I fucking hate him and his cunt of a girlfriend!" I snapped,

"Mariah! He's your best friend!" She scolded,

"Not anymore."


I sighed when I looked out the window, it seems like there's only trees, trees and more trees. I feel like we're getting nowhere. I sat beside Kylie, who dsat beside Angel. Michonne sat with Carl, talking to him productively.

"Mariah, are you okay?" Kylie asked softly,

"Yep." I lied,

"How did you find us?" Angel asked,

"Regrettably, by fate." I groaned,

"Mariah! She's just asking a question." Rick growled,

"So?" I shot back,

"You need to get your attitude checked little girl." Rick said coldly,

"And you need to fuck off"

The car stopped with a loud screech, and Rick turned around with a rather pissed off expression,

"What's your problem Mariah?" He yelled,

"Sorry, I think the heat just got at me, that's all. I'm sorry Rick." I fake apologized,

"Its fine Mar, you just need to chill." He said, driving off again,

I laid my head against the cold glass of the window, and breathed, we better get there soon. I can't stand being in the same car as her.


"Shit!" Rick cursed, "The gas tank is empty."

We broke down right in front of train tracks.

"Fucking hell!" I yelled, grabbing for the door handle,

I opened the car door, and walked out, walking along the tracks, maybe it will lead to safety.

"Mariah? What are you doing?!" Kylie yelled,

"It might lead somewhere, you don't need to come with me." I said,

Everyone got out of the car, and walked along with me, me leading of course.

"Carl?" Angel's gleeful voice charmed, 

"Yeah?" He asked,

"Where is she taking us?" She asked rudely,

They do realize I'm right here right? Right!?

"I really don't want to talk about her." He spat coldly,

Well fuck you too Carl Anthony Grimes.

This is gonna be a long walk...


Carl's POV

Mariah seems to be almost as pissed as I am, ever since she came back, Angel has been more klingy... Does she think Marian's pulling me away from her?

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