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Carl's POV

"Where's ma daughter?" Daryl growled,

We all stood outside, and all because that big house was starting to smell, thanks to all the unshowered bodies staying there, plus the heat.

"Ill get her, Angel is in there anyways." I offered,

I walked into the house and as soon as I hit the living room, I saw Mariah kissing that Riley- uh Ryan guy.

"To bad you have Carl." Mariah spat,

Excuse me?!

I grabbed a rather pissed off Angel by the wrist and began to walk away,

"We're heading out now, your father wants you out there." I said rudley,

I walked outside with Angel and looked her dead in the eye, she looks like she was gonna cry,

"Let's go." Mariah sighed, pulling Ryan out by the hand,

Angel looked at them then ran into the woods crying.

What the hells going on?!

"Ill go see if shes okay." Ryan said, shaking his hand away from Mariah's reach,

She looked disappointed,and went to go after him,

"Mariah Rose Dixon!  Give 'em some space!" Daryl commanded,

She sighed and sat down on the cold concrete.

10 minutes later

I suddenly gave up and went to the woods, what possibly can take this long?!

That's when I heard moans,


I walked into the small clearing to see Ryan and Angel. With their clothes off...

I cleared my throat and held my hand on my hip,

"Carl? I can explain!" Angel scrambled, pulling her jeans and panties up,

"Yeah man... I...-"

"Go back to Mariah." I ordered,

He pulled his pants up and left.

"Carl... He's my ex." Angel began,


Mariah's POV

Ryan came back and resumed his place beside me,

"Hi." I smiled,

He looked down at me and smiled back,


"Hey gorgeous."

We waited a bit and then Angel and Carl came out, going seprate ways.

We all walked for most the day when we bumped into something weird...

A line of cars blocked the road and we could get around them.

"Mm, mm, m. Ya boys got some pretty damn fine tail, care to share?" A man called, steppingout of a truck,

Ryan stood infront of me and glared at him,

"Over my dead body."

I smiled at his over protective act. My smile faded as a huge pair of hands pulled me backwards,

I let out a yelp as my head hit the ground.

I heard Angel scream too as I was being dragged backwards, into a car,

"Wrong answer." The man growled,

The man who dragged me got in the front seat, and another man threw Angel beside me and sat in shotgun.

I cried as they rove away, away from ir group, away from Carl.


We showed up to a rundown farm house, angel and i pulled out of the car roughly.

"Ladies, welcome home."

I screamed as i was yanked out of the car by my hair.

"What the fuck!" I yelled,

A man stood me up and patted me down, trowing my knife, and pistol in a bush. Another man fid the same to Angel.

What are they going to do to us?


Angel and I are locked in some room, it was dark, and musty.

"What's your problem with me?" Angel asked softly,

"Why do you care?" I shot back,


"You have everything. You're beautiful, you have the brains, you have charm... And you have Carl. Your life is perfect." I interrupted, crying,

"You want Carl?" She asked,

"No. I want my bestfriend back." I growled,

"Mariah, I don't understand..."

"Before you showed up, he actually cared about me."

"I'm so...-"

"Hello." A man purred, opening the locked door,

I aighed and looked at him, lust was in his eyes, and it was starting to scare me.

"Which one, which one."

He walked over to me, and pushed my back, making me have my head close to me feet, that's when I remebered the butterfly knife in my boot.

He slapped my left butt cheek and I grabbed the knife, swiftly spun up to a standing postion and slit his throat.

He gurgled on his blood as I grabbed his keys. Angel just stared in horror, I went to run away but -regretfully- turned around and grabbed Angel by the wrist and ran towards the door,

We are getting out of here.


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