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Daryl's POV

I need to find her. She's all I got left in this world... Merle's been brainwashed by that sick son of a bitch Governor. Fuck! She might not be alive.

I sighed as I continued walking down the long tracks with these douche-bag guys I met on the way.

(Do you know who?)

"Claimed!" One of 'em yelled,

I still can't remember their names... Expect for the leader's 'Joe' for some odd reason that name leaves a nasty taste on my tongue.

The one who yelled, picked up a strawberry that was randomly growing from the ground. I'm not sure why though.

"We should camp out for the night." Joe's deep voice rang,

"I agree." I say, looking at the sky,

We walked on for a while before finding a old supply warehouse to sleep in, when we got in, I tree my stuff into a truck, but a guy, the one I fought over a damn rabbit for earlier, yelled,


I might as well call him hog.

I glared daggers at him as I went to a van,

"Claimed!" Another guy yelled,

I just gave up, and laid on the floor, using my Garbage's bag as a pillow,

"He stole my half of the rabbit!" The hog yelled,

Joe walked over to me, and I stood up,

"Daryl is this true?" He confirmed,

"Nah, that son of a bitch is lyin'!" I protested,

"Check his bag!" Hog yelled,

Joe grabbed my bag, and pulled out the ''missing" rabbit half out,

"Wanna explain yourself?" He growled,

"I didn't put it there!" I yelled,

I felt the rage pulse through my veins,

"You do know the consequences for lying don't you?" He barked,

I nodded,

That asshole!

"Boys, teach him a lesson." He said, pointing to the hog,

The boys began kicking the shit outta him, and I just looked at Joe,

"How did ya know he lied?" I asked him, calming down a bit,

"I saw him put it in your bag." Joe grinned,

I rolled my eyes as I snatched my back out of Joe's hand, and laid it on the floor, laying down once again.

Ignorant assholes.


Mariah's POV

I slammed my knife into a walkers head as I contained walking, I must have been gone for at least 3 hours now, and I'm already covered in dirt and blood. Holy shit... I think I lost them.

I'm exhausted.

I looked around me, tress everywhere, not a safe spot for me to sleep anywhere. I groaned and kept walking, not bothering to even look anymore.

I'm never gonna find dad, I lost my group out of stupidity, and I lost my best friend because of Angel. That name leaves a sour, foul taste in my mouth even just thinking of her name. Something off about her... I feel like it's her mission in life to see me broken, well hats off to her, it fucking worked. Now I'm alone, scared, and tired.

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