Baby Showers And Superpowers

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Theresa's POV:

I was handed a blue green and red sash that had mines and John's name on it as well as a few other words. I put it on and saw that the theme of the baby shower was blue green and red. Cute for three boys.

"Okay Tee are you ready for your present?" Alex asked walking up to me.

"Yepers." I said trying to figure out what it is. He walked to the kitchen and came back with Nana Tracy.

"NANA" I squealed.

She walked to me and wrapped her arms around me. She's 60 but looks like she's 45.

"Nana I miss you." I said.

"I miss you to baby girl." She said tearing.

"Nana don't cry. You're gonna make me cry." I said.

"I know. You're not that same little girl that I held in my arms and sang songs to 17 years ago. You're all grown up. You're a beautiful girl with your handsome boyfriend having your own babies." She said.

I had to wipe the tear that rolled down my cheek.

"Well I cant wait to meet these boys of yours." She said.

"Me either." I said laughing.

"Have you tried the cupcakes?" She asked me, pulling me into the kitchen.

"No not yet." I said. She handed me one and I took a bite.

"Oh my God this is amazing." I said.

"Trace." I heard Grandpa Cam say.

"Oh looks like Grandpa needs me." She said. I nodded and she walked over to him.

"Hey Grandpa." I said loud enough for him to hear.

He waved and they left the kitchen. I finished my cupcake and saw Grandma Ashley and Papa Drew. Nana Tracey and Grandpa Cam are mum's parents, Grandma Ashley and Papa Drew are Dad's parents. I smiled at them and went to go find John. I'm not sure if John's grandparents made it here.

I walked into the family room and saw mum and dad. They guided me to this baby shower chair that was blue and white. I smiled and sat down. I laughed and smiled as mum took a few pictures of me in the chair.

"Hey dad, where's John?" I asked looking around. I haven't seen him since we got here.

I was about to stand up when John walked in. When he got to me the music was lowered and everyone turned their attention to us.

"What's going on?" I asked when it got almost quiet. The only sound was the music playing quietly in the background.

I gasped when John smiled and got down on one knee. Then he pulled a box from his pants pocket.

"Oh my God." I said out loud. He opened the box and inside was the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.

"Baby, I love you with all my heart. You are the most caring and loving person I know. You are thoughtful and you are definitely not afraid to speak your mind. That's what I love the most about you. I love your lips, your eyes, your voice, your laugh, everything. I can't possibly see myself without you or these babies. Your the best thing that ever happened to me. You are my soul mate, my lover, my partner in crime, my everything, except my wife. Theresa Marie Evans, will you do me the honor and say you'll be my wife? Will you marry me?" John said holding the ring in his hand. I wiped a few of the tears that streamed down my face.

"Yes!! Yes!! A thousand times yes!!" I said and everyone clapped and cheered.

I stood up and he slid the ring onto my finger. He kissed me and held me in his arms while everyone congratulated us. Mum and a few other people took pictures of us together and me showing the ring. I just stared John, the love of my life, the whole time.


"OK so since everyone has eaten and we've played almost all the games, I think its time to open the presents." Mum said to everyone.

I nodded and John moved closer to me.

"Gabby, Katie come here." John said to them. They let go of Devin's hand and ran to us.

Katie and Gabby are twins. As you can tell twins and triplets are pretty common in my family. Same with John's family. I'm not sure why but I think its kinda cool.

I looked at Mason and saw how left out he looks. He looked at me and I held my hand out. He let go of Jojo's hand and sat in the small chair next to me.

"You having fun little guy?" I asked him.

He nodded and looked at his mum. She smiled at us and put her head on Devin's shoulder. I smiled at them and had a small conversation with Mason while we opened most of the small gifts.

"Katie, Gabby. Are you girls happy to have three little cousins?" Devin asked them once the party was over.  

"Boy or girl?" Gabby asked.

"Boys." John said.

"I happy." Katie said. She's the quiet one.

I looked at Gabby and saw that she made a cute angry face.

"No!! Me no like boys. Dey is icky." She said.

Jojo, Dev, and John laughed but I just frowned.

"But you have a brother and he's a boy." I said. She ignored my statement and kept playing with my hair.

"He gonna have superpowers??" She asked.

"No baby." Dev said.

"Me gonna share Barbie doll wiff dem." Katie said. I smiled at her cute baby talk and looked at a still angry Gabby.

"They gonna play nice with you." Jojo said.

"Otay mummy." Gabby said. She stood up and ran over to her mum

Devin picked up Katie and placed her on his hip.

I felt a small hand on my stomach and looked down and saw Mason.

"What you doing there buddy?" John asked.

"How they got in there?" Mason asked rubbing my stomach.

"Ummmm. Uncle John used his superpowers on Auntie Tee. So now she has babies living in her stomach." Jojo said to him.

"Noooo. They don't have superpowers!!" Mason said loudly.

"Uncle John gave his magic ice cream to auntie Tee. The magic ice cream makes the babies grow in her belly." Devin said

"Thanks." I whispered loudly. He nodded And grabbed Mason's hand. Devin and Jojo left with their kids and I just sat on the couch and thought about everything happened today. We went from proposals, to family being crazy, to cake everywhere, to baby showers and superpowers. I don't think I'll ever have a normal day.

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