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"Ok by now we know your beast is a wolf, you're the one with the scientific knowledge. What are the abilities of the wolves?" asked Ďmítri.

"Wolves have the senses of hearing and smelling more enhanced than humans, they also have night vision and great strength, oh! and they can run faster than a human." explained Bjørn.

"Well, I read those abilities start in the second sun after the first transformation, we have to be prepare, they don't come nice and silent, they'll hurt while arriving, so you must be prepare to suffer a little." said Ďmítri.

They spent the whole day after that little talk preparing the Maze in the basement for the second sun of the day after. On the morning of the next day, Ďmítri woke up to find Bjørn on the Maze already, standing in front of the Treasure's Hole.

"You read wrong, they started in the second moon. Last night I woke up, after having the same dream again, and I came here, in pain and desperate. I started to see everything clear, and it was night, I started to hear even my own heart beats and things far, far away from me... My smelling got enhanced, I could even smell other emotions by the odors they have on their skin and chemicals their bodies produce. I... I... I even saw a young lady in my dreams, laying here in the Treasure's Hole, but I thought it was an illusion from pain, until I came here and saw it was not, I touched her and, it is actually a girl. I was waiting for you, so we both wake her up and handle her if she freaks-out." explained Bjørn to a very impressed Ďmítri.

"A wise decision to wait for me, in your state, you couldn't handle her alone... So what do we have here? A halfblood." Said Ďmítri impressed.

"How did you...?" Bjørn was going to ask.

"Not her ascendance little wolf, just her skin... Brown hair, and it seems she's not as skinny as she looks like." Ďmítri deduced.

"Ok, now that's freak enough, let just take her upstairs." Ordered Bjørn.

"As you desire, My master!" Joked Ďmítri.

Ďmítri took her out of the hole and Bjørn asked to take her personally. Ďmítri hesitated but he let him take her, Bjørn stood below the hole over the center of the Maze, which was used to throw slaves inside the Maze and Bjørn jumped with so much impulse that he passed through the hole and got to the basement first floor, with the lady on his arms.

As soon as he was again in the house, he ran in such a speed to his room that Ďmítri barely saw his shadow, he put her in the bed and let her to rest.

Several hours later, she woke up, and Ďmítri was sleeping in the same chair as he was sleeping when Bjørn's first transformation was over, and Bjørn was sitting in the arc of the windows, watching the beautiful orange sky of that afternoon. She was going to freak out but she put her hand over her mouth and muted the scream, Bjørn wasn't looking, but his hearing let him noticed her.

"You finally woke up." said Bjørn.

"Who are you? Where am I? What have you done to me?" asked the girl desperate.

"I'm Bjørn Lýkos, this is the castle of my family and we... excuse me (Bjørn hit Ďmítri to woke him up), we found you on a hole in the Maze of our basement." explained Bjørn to the lady.

"I can't remember anything, last thing that comes to my mind is that night, those eyes, that beast with yellow eyes that was attacking the city, he looked at me, right into my eyes I beg for my life on my mind, I think he listen to other thoughts cause he bite me on my right hip and I black out." Said the girl emotionless.

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