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"This can't be... Bjørn do you remember something from that night?" asked Ďmítri.

"No I don't!" said Bjørn pretty scared.

"Girl, can you let us see the bite?" asked Ďmítri very nicely to the girl.

"Of course!" answered the girl, "If you can cure me, I'm on your hands." she continued to say.

She raised her top and the hip was clean, no make of a bite, just the blood in the clothes. she freak out and scream will Ďmítri very fast tried to calm her down and talked to Bjørn.

"You give her a bite, she... You know what that means, next full moon, she's done, another wolf to control!" said Ďmítri.

Bjørn was speechless and he didn't knew what to do or say until Ďmítri talked again.

"Listen lady, what's your name?" asked Ďmítri.

"Kida, my name is Kida" she answered.

"No last name?" asked Ďmítri again.

"I've had family, but they never put me a last name. Keep on and tell me why I healed so fast a bite like that, please!" said Kida.

"Ok, Kida, you weren't attacked by a simple beast, you were beaten by a werewolf, that werewolf to be more specific..." he said pointing Bjørn who wave his hand to her, "now easy, don't panic, he's under all his 5 senses, now here's the deal, you are going to become one..." said Ďmítri.

"Whaaaat! Nooo, Noooo! That cannot be true... Please, tell me is not true!" screamed Kida in fear.

"Well actually not, this is reality." said Bjørn in a little joke tone.

"You shut up! Freaky monster!" screamed Kida.

Bjørn didn't knew why he did as she said, but without complaining, he shuted up.

"Relax, let me explain, you will only became one on full moons, and there's still plenty of time for the next full moon for you to start feeling, weird, the transformation is not nice, and you will become a bloody demon of rage and hunger, but we have everything under control." explained Ďmítri.

"We have? Oh yes, yes! We have everything under control." said Bjørn almost screwing it.

"Now, you need to rest, and after you wake up, whisper that you are awake and Bjørn will come to help you. Understood?" told Ďmítri to her.

"Yes." Kida answered.

She fell asleep and they left the room.

She woke up and next morning she whisper "I'm awake" as soon as she finish the sentence, Bjørn was opening the door to enter.

"Good Morning, lazy girl, you slept a lot. Well here's the deal, you're a werewolf, and it's a nightmare, believe me, but, there are gifts with it that comes the second night after the first transformation, and those are..."  Bjørn was explaining when she interrupted and said.

"Let me guess... enhanced hearing and smelling, super-speed, inhuman strength and night vision." explained Kida.

"Yes... how did you knew?" asked Bjørn impressed.

"I heard your voice while you were in front of the hole where I was, how? I don't know, but there was another voice, a woman's whisper, she told me "You're light for those in dark, the guide for those lost, you're Luna for those in need." Kida said.

"Ok you're incredibly a freak right now. but... a woman? Did she said her name?" asked Bjørn.

"She said something like I'm a mate for that wolf who bite me, so he doesn't have to be alone on he's doom, but I didn't understand." told Kida to Bjørn.

"Wait, let me call Ďmítri, he must know something about this..." said Bjørn

When Ďmítri got to the room, she told her what she heard from that woman's voice and Ďmítri was shocked.

"Oh no! Hell no! You're his mate? Hahahaha! Little bad wolf got a babysitter. Bjørn, that's a protective enchant, your wolf bite her, so she could became a werewolf too, and be your companion for the eternity." explained Ďmítri.

"What? But I don't even know her! And she's a little girl, I cannot imagine me with her." complained Bjørn

"Ah? Excuse me, I'm 23!" said Kida offended.

"Well excuse me, I'm six years older." replied Bjørn.

"Enough! Both of you! We have to plan the Holding." shouted Ďmítri.

"The holding?" asked Bjørn and Kida at the same time.

"Yes, the holding. How we are going to set you both down for the next full moon, we have 28 days to find how we will do it, by now, there's a cage in the back of the basement, used for the tigers your father once brought when he traveled to China, we can settle you both inside in the full moon, but we need to get it down to the Maze, so if you both get to break the cage, you'll be stock in the Maze until the night pass." explained Ďmítri to them.

"Nice plan Ďmítri, but you're missing a detail." said Bjørn.

"Yes, which one?" asked Ďmítri.

"We used that cage's iron poles to reinforce the front and back door." answered Bjørn.

"Oh crap, we did. Well, we will have to dismount the doors and take the iron poles to built the cage again. And we have to do it faster." said Ďmítri.

"What? Are you crazy? Those doors weight tons!" screamed Bjørn surprise.

"Yes, thanks Zeus we have inhuman strength on our hands, right Bjørn?" smirked Ďmítri.

"Oh shit! I knew it! Ok I'll do it." answered Bjørn.

They went to the back door first, and decided to take a door per day, so Bjørn would not force himself to much, he was an amateur on this gifts so he didn't need to abuse them.

Bjørn took of the first door with a little difficult, but after it was of the arc, he lifted it like they were simple and little logs for him, he put the door on the ground of the backyard and one by one he ripped of the iron poles out the wood door. In the night he was pretty exhausted and rested.

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