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Year 1037, Greece

After several years of training, twelve years to be more specific, when Bjørn was 29 years old, they returned to their hometown. When they got there, they found that it was invaded by gypsys.

"Ugh, gypsys..." said Ďmítri disgusted.

"Are these people the one who...?" Bjørn was about to ask when Ďmítri interrupted him

"Yes, unfortunately, they are!" answered Ďmítri.

The whole city was surrounded on the outside with tents and carts of gypsys, with their black magic merchants and tricksters, and festive attitude.

When he got to his family's castle, he found that one of the servants died of Consumption and so he had to hired a new one and give a monthly visit to the one that passed away because he had no family, he lost them on the war, as Bjørn did.

One day, walking around the city on an ending winter with winds of spring hitting the city, Bjørn found a fragile and beautiful lady, of at least 22 years old, freezing under a bridge.

"Hi young lady. Are you alone?" asked Bjørn.

"Yes Sir, please, a little help, I won't like to die from freezing" said the young lady.

"Don't worry, I can help." told Bjørn to her.

As his father would have done, he took the lady to the family's castle and took personally care of her.

Weeks passed by and the lady recovered from the dead-like state she was, and got her originally characteristics back: a beautiful white snow skin with blushing checks, intense blue eyes, a long black hair, smoother than any smooth textile material ever created and a body with curves that only Aphrodite could have ever had. Bjørn fell in love with her in the first moment she woke up, then she saw this brown, curled hair and white skinned man, with well combed beard and coffee colored eyes, staring at her like a little boy admires the gift he has always wanted to have, and it was no need of time to see that both of them, fell in love with each other.

When she woke up, she asked for water, so he fastly look for a jar and gave her a little, they talked for a few hours after that.

"I'll leave you to rest, I'll come back in another moment to keep talking, now you better rest." wrapping up the young lady with the blanket and kissing her forehead.

"Merlina!" shouted the young lady. "My name is Merlina." she repeated.

Bjørn, heading to the door, turned around his head and smiled to her.

"Mine is Bjørn, Bjørn Lýkos". answered him.

They talked everyday, and he told her about all the places he traveled to, all what he saw and all what he learned, and she was more interested in him, everyday more as the time passed by. It was obvious that, with the values Bjørn had, he treated Merlina as a princess, he bought her clothes and all she needed to be healthy and well protected, he even taught her how to fight and the traditions of the family Lýkos and almost marry her, after one night, where everything changed.

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