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On the next day, Kida woke up first than everyone and helped the servants to prepare the breakfast, Bjørn and Ďmítri woke up and saw this table with beautiful and well prepared platers, all prepared by Kida, who tried to deny the credits, but one of the servant said it was her, and this, was the little spark that made Bjørn's heart start to like her.

"Did you made all this?" asked Bjørn surprised.

"Yes, I did! Please, eat" she ordered them. " I wanna know if I still have my cooking skills." said Kida.

They did it and, indeed, she stills have them, the food was tasty and very delicious.

"Where in Hades did you learned to cook like this?" asked Ďmítri with such a joy on his eyes.

"My grandfather was once the prime Chef of your family, but it was long long time ago, he used to cook for your grandfather, Bjørn." answered and explained Kida to both of them.

"So you do have a connection with my family... That's nice to know." said Bjørn smiling.

"I guess, and thank you Ďmítri!" answered back Kida blushing a little.

"Well, well, I'm smelling something more baking here, and I think is not food." joked Ďmítri.

"Hahahahahaha!" laughed Bjørn and Kida at the same time.  

In the afternoon Bjørn did the same with the front door, but surprisingly faster than the back door, he was getting stronger and stronger every day.

The days passed and Bjørn and Kida were starting to talk more with each other, but with shyness, until the next full moon's night came.

"Ok, we have 2 hours until the moon is out, Bjørn, take the cage to the Maze" ordered Ďmítri.

"I'm on it!" answered Bjørn.

"Kida, go talk to the servants, give them this coins and tell them that they have this week to take a vacation and rest well." ordered Ďmítri.

"On my way!" answered Kida.

When all was prepared, Ďmítri locked them both inside the cage and wait for the moon to came out. It was in matter of no time that it happened, the full moon was out and Bjørn was the first one to transform, he was suffering less than the first time, but still suffering, minutes later, Kida started her transformation, and as it was her first, she screamed and cried in such a terrible pain, that Ďmítri almost cried. 

When both transformation were over, Ďmítri left the cage to fall in the Maze, so as planned, if they get to break it, they will be set on the Maze to run until the morning, but what Ďmítri didn't expected, happened. 

They broke the cage and also the stone over the hole in the center of the Maze, but they couldn't escape and stood there until the moon hide and they transformed back and black out. Ďmítri got them both back to the room and lay them down in Bjørn's bed.

The mess they made on the Maze, was so big, that it would take years to pick it up and rebuilt the Maze. 

On the afternoon Bjørn was the first one to wake up, and he did it with Kida on his arms, he hugged her unconsciously when they were took back to his bedroom. Seconds after, Kida woke up and screamed so loud that even her ears hurt.

"What are you doing?" asked Kida.

"Emmm... I was... I was..." tried Bjørn to answer stupidly, but he freezed.

"You were hugging me!" said Kida kinda embarrassed.

"Well! Yes, I was. I cannot deny it, your smell is something that drives me crazy and... I think I like you." said Bjørn in a fading voice.

"Well then, you need to be sure what you feel, I'm your mate, but I'm not easy to get." told Kida to Bjørn rising an eyebrow and giving him a challenging look. 

She stood up, taking the blanket to cover the front part of her body, leaving Bjørn on bed and headed to the bathroom, Bjorn couldn't stop looking at her hips and her so perfect legs, that he almost drooled. 

When the both of them were bathed and dressed, they went to see the Maze and Ďmítri explained them how the disaster was made, they sit around the hole and spoke.

"We must leave Greece." said Bjørn.

"I think it's a good idea." told Ďmítri to Bjørn.

"Are you all crazy? Where are we going to leave? We don't have anywhere to go, do we?" asked Kida a little desperate.

"Yes we do, but..." Ďmítri was starting to answered when he was interrupted by Bjørn.

"I know! It wouldn't be safe, but we have to think, is not the same to get lost in the snow on a full moon than wake up with blood on you mouth and body, like you feast a hundreds of people." said Bjørn.

"So that's how you woke up on your first full moon... Interesting, but wait, did you said snow?, exactly where we are heading to on this plan you made up right now." said Kida.

"My father, or well, I, have a castle on the Nordic Lands, so pack up your things, we are heading there by tomorrow morning if we want to make it on time there." ordered Bjørn to Kida. "You too Ďmítri, prepared yourself, you'll be our host, kinda, and I will need you to make a travel before the next full moon before we get to the Nordic Lands." ordered Bjørn to Ďmítri.

"Ok, and that travel is to?" asked Ďmítri.

"Do you still know the Twin Witches that taught Mom all what she knew about magic?" answered Bjørn with another question.

"Yes, I do! But they must be to old to do magic." expressed Ďmítri.

"Well, you'll go to England and look for them, last thing I could knew about them on mom's letters they wrote is that they went to England, so, you'll look for them and bring them here, I need something from those twins." explained Bjørn.

"And, what would I do?" asked Kida.

"As soon as we get to the Nordic Lands, you and I will start a training, and you'll choose which martial art you'll like to learn, and as well, I will teach you about this family traditions." answered Bjørn.

"Oooook... I don't like the idea of you being my master, but, you must remember what I told you." said Kida.

"Yes, I remember, you're not an easy going girl... but you still don't know how persistent I am." said Bjørn making a smirk so Kida could see it.

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