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A yellow alien like octopus was in charge of the homeroom, after the huge gunshot, he announced the class that they're having a new transfer student today.

"Transfer student? I wonder if it's a boy or a girl..."

"What kind of person is this transfer student?"

"Is the new student here yet?"

the teacher coughed, trying to hush the excitement of the students as they shimmered down.

"You can come in now..." he called.

The door opened as the eyes of the students were fixed on the entrance, then the new student came in. Behind her, the Ministry of the Defense and his underlings followed.

Her long black hair reached her waist as a signature long red scarf was wrapped around her neck, she was wearing a polo that reached her wrist and a black tie.

Her gray colored skirt with black linings at the ends reached her creamy legs that showed most of her skin, her red sneakers were high cut and it was the support for her feet.

During her entrance in the classroom, the yellow alien like octopus wrote her name in the black board neatly.

"Class, this is Yuuki Angel. A Professional Assassin that will be your classmate for the rest of the year."

Yuuki Angel was the name of our main protagonist of this novel, she lifted her chin and her eyes stared weirdly at the homeroom teacher.

He has the appearance of an octopus, he is about 3 meters tall and has a large, bulbous head with a large smile and small beady eyes. He uses two feelers as arms, with two fingers each, and uses the rest of his tentacles to walk with. He wears an black academic dress, a small black square academic cap with a yellow tassel and a black tie with a yellow crescent-shaped moon on it.

"I am the one who blasted your moon." he nonchalantly said.

The girl stared at him blankly, as if she's trying to figure out the situation.

"I plan to do the same to the earth next year. But now, I'm the class 3-E's teacher. It's nice too meet you, Yuuki-san."

The teacher was confused why the girl was silence, not saying a thing. Then, her eyes sparkled.

"Wow! You really look like an octopus, amazing!"

She beamed with a bright smile, the class sweat dropped at the new student's reaction.

Whoa. That was unexpected..

Well, anyone would think like that.

"Hey there, I'm Yuuki Angel. You can just call me Angel for short, I hope that we could all be friends." she laughed sheepishly.

Everyone seem to smile as he lifted on of his octopus tentacles and pointed at the empty seat.

"Angel-chan, You may take your seat at the back. The vacant one on the right side."

Crimson eyes searched for the seat which is at the back, there were two vacant seat at the back like the teacher said.

She lifted her shoes and quietly made her way at the back, taking a seat.

"Let's start the class, shall we?" he says.

✦ ✧ ✦

The bell rung as it was the sign for lunch time, the teacher stopped writing formulas on the blackboard.

Then He Showed Up | AC | Karma x OC | Book 1 [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now