♛HE [15] : DROWNING♛

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The scourging sun rapidly gives out sweltering heat, the Class E students are walking at the back of the mountain.

A red head in his tracksuit walked up to his blue haired friend with a grin plastered on his face. "Hey Nagisa-kun, I hear you really did a number the other day. I sure wish I could've seen that assassination of yours."

Nagisa returned him a small smile as Angel walked up to the two boys,

"Nagisa was so cool the other day! I almost can't believe its him." She chirped as she flashed a huge grin that is plastered on her face.

"Hey Angel, do you mind if I ask you something?" Nagisa said to the girl between him and his friend, Karma.

"What is it?" she asked.

"What kind of person is Soraru-san? I mean—she said that you lied to her about a certain promise..."

Angel stopped on her tracks which made the two stopped as well, they turned their attention to her, she was now looking at the ground as her hair was covering her eyes.

"I didn't lied..." She answered, her chin went up and faced them.

"I came back for her—but, I didn't made it in time, that's when I first realized It's too late." she spoke.

"Hey, Angel-chan! Nagisa-kun! Karma-kun! Hurry up!"

"You guys will be left behind!"

Voices can be heard from afar as she snapped out of her thoughts and replied to the voices calling.

"Hey—wait up!" She yelled as she ran towards the others, meanwhile Nagisa was now confused.

"She was kind of down earlier, and now she's alright..." he said.

"Don't worry about her, Nagisa-kun, she probably thinks it's stupid to think about little things." Karma stated.

"Maybe your right—that's so like Angel!" Nagisa cheered.

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They finally arrived at the pool that Koro-sensei specially made just for the Class 3-E. Hurriedly, they took off their suit and jumped in the water with laughter and gratitude.

Angel went up from the water as she splashed water at Kayano, who was in a pool with a floating ring, so she wouldn't drown.

"The water feels so great!" She cheerfully beamed, as she heard a sigh next her.

"It's fun, but depressing." Angel turned her direction at Kayano who was depressed.

"Hey Kaede, let's play!" Angel smiled.

"Sorry Angel, but I'm a terrible swimmer and this suit leaves nothing to the imagination." She said as she once more sighed in distress.

"Don't worry, babes—someone somewhere will want a body like yours someday." Okajima said as he was holding a huge camera to take a couple of shot of the girls in their class with huge racks, seeing this made Kayano sweatdropped.

"Hey Okajima, maybe don't go acting like a dashing man while setting up that camera to snap sneak pictures." Kayano interjected as a laughter came out of Angel's mouth.

"You look like a perverted stalker to me—that will creep any girl." Angel laughed.

"Don't worry, I have no intention in snapping a picture of you girls. Besides, I don't have any interest in flats." he sneered.

Then He Showed Up | AC | Karma x OC | Book 1 [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now