Darling & Love

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My light grey eyes ran over the message several times as I chewed on my lip, maybe it was too soon, after all we had only started talking a few hours ago and yet and I felt so comfortable talking to him, I felt like I could tell him anything and he wouldn't hate me and that was something I had never felt. It was laughable really how I could feel so at ease with a stranger when I couldn't feel it with my family. I got up and paced around the room, but the question was did he feel the same way about me, I didn't want to creep him out and make him block me, I ran my hand through my hair, maybe it was worth a shot, I walked over back to the bed and hit send.

I waited for his reply but it never came, maybe he had gone to sleep, or gone to talk to someone else, I would only have to wait to find out, I shut down my computer and placed it on the nightstand before lying down on my bed, my eyes started to close but stopped when my phone rang, I sat up with a grunt picking it off the night stand, I cursed at the time they were calling me, these people are really getting ridiculous with this shit.

After glaring at my phone I answered on what might have been the fifth ring only to hear my fathers irritated voice coming through the speaker "why did you take so long to answer the phone Roman, do you know all the things that could have happened in that time, what if we were calling for your help and you took your dear time it is possible that half of us could be dead by now." I huffed and rolled my eyes, it was just like my father to exaggerate a situation.

He always had this annoying side to him always managing to over think the littlest things and to anyone who met them it would always be a surprise to learn that my mom was more level headed and calm than he was, despite him being the head of our mafia. His black hair and almost dark eyes could fool anyone and it always gave him an advantage over everyone thus he was able to control his surroundings, I was able to do the same thing but not as well as him, I guess that was only because of the fact that he was Forty-Eight and had many years of experience under his belt.

"Anyways I need you to come down to the warehouse, we're having a meeting to see how we are going to handle the attack from the Adessi Family and try not to take your dear time Roman, this is serious" with that he cut the call and it was only left for me to get up and prepare.

I pulled up in front the warehouse and parked along side the other cars before pulling my keys out of the ignition and getting out the car, I walked in and felt everyone's eyes on me but I ignored them and continued on my way going straight for my fathers office, I knocked on the door before going in, when I entered my dad was sitting at his desk talking to Alderisi his right hand man. I looked at my mom who was sitting on the couch that was tucked away in the corner of the room, she had on her headphones as she lazily read a book, I noticed she was still in her gown but had my fathers suit jacket thrown around her shoulder, she looked up and smiled at me before refocusing on her book.

My dad looked up at me along with Alderisi, his black eyes pierced mine and I kept mine locked with his until he grunted looking away, it was always some test when it came to this guy, besides my father he was one of the men that trained me from the time I turned eight, turning me into the man I was today, stubborn as a fucking mule and knew just how to get what I wanted. I looked at my dad as he observed my profile before he squinted his eyes "we need you to infiltrate his house, the family doesn't know about you an that will work in our advantage, they only know about Lorenzo thanks to your moms great thinking." we both looked at her and saw that she was smirking, we knew she could hear everything but it wasn't like she hasn't heard worse, my mother and father have been through everything together from the time he was seventeen and she was fifteen, they were one of the worlds greatest underground power couples and that was one of the many reasons I was proud to have them as my parents.

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