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I sat in the tub of steaming water scrubbing my skin from head today, music was blasting in the back ground making me sing along, I would always give people a shock when they listened to my play list, with me being a ballet dancer and all they would expect most of my music to be soft and flowing and stuff along that lines, I mean it's not like I don't have any, it's just that my playlist is manly made up of rap and rock music, well I did grow up on music like that so what would you expect. I shifted my foot onto the side of the tub and continued to scrub it, as I rapped along to The next episode remix, I looked at my foot and when it was clear and clean with a tint of pink I moved onto the other one continuing my assault on my skin.

My phone buzzed when I was scrubbing the bottom of my other phone making me stop what I was doing, I put the song to replay for what felt like the millionth time since I came in the bathroom, what I like the song, as Ally would say and non too kindly, piss off, I smirked when I remembered what happened a few days ago, when me Ally and Teri were eating lunch, Garret, the guy that always seems to want to get at me, walked up to our table and started talking all the shit, about how we were going to make ourselves look like fools and the next thing I knew, Ally's plate of chicken stew went flying across the table hitting the guys straight into his face and she jumped up "piss off fuck tard awer I'll make ya. Know what I mean?!" she yelled and everyone just looked at us with shocked faces before I broke out into a fit of laughter, while watching Garret try to get the stew off his clothes.

I couldn't help but break into another fit of laughter, I mean when he bolted out of there he looked as if he was on the verge of tears which only made me laugh harder and spent the rest of the day just going into random fits of laughter, especially when he walked past us with a pout on his face, I held my heart and took in a deep breath before remembering the message on my phone, I unlocked it quickly and a wide toothy grin spread across my face when I saw it was from Roman, we had stopped using the sight a few days ago when I sent him my number after he practically groveled for it. I had also told him about what happened with the instructor and it's needless to say he was pissed, so we spent the rest of the night just messaging each other and him trying to reassure me everything was going to be fine and also him suggesting I carry a taser, which did sound a bit tempting, or maybe some mase, I laughed remembering when he begged me to promise I would buy something but I didn't have to when I told my dad and he sent in a huge package of mase, tasers and other weird looking things for me to use on the guy again, I finally looked back at the message and my smile grew wider, if that was possible.


So today's the big day, try to have fun, I know you'll be Amazing, I just wish I could be there see you dance while looking as beautiful as ever.

I laughed again this time with a deep blush before I replied.


Thank you so much, this means a lot and don't worry I'll send you a tape, pinkie promise.


Pinkie promise.

I blushed again and shook my head before replaying my song that had switched to Boys and girls making me light up crimson, I quickly finished scrubbing and put the tub to drain before moving to the shower and washing off my skin with my Lilac body wash that Teri had bought for me as a good luck present, I quickly washed off and dried my skin before going out into my bedroom, I looked out at what I had picked to wear today, a black tux with a red shirt, as Roman said red looked good on me, because of some picks I had sent him, while we had spent last night picking out the clothes I would wear to the after party. I moved it into the suit holder and then pulled on my white button up shirt, white boxers, dark jeans and a sleek tie, I slipped on my vans and carried my stuff to the living room before turning up my music and going to the kitchen.

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