She's a Cockney

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I got up and stretched before rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I looked around the room and smiled, I went to the window and looked outside, it was completely white, I smiled at the beauty of snow, it always manages to make everything look so pure, just seeing that made my morning so much better, I sighed and stretched one more time before heading out the room, I had ballet today, so I had to be there in two hours. I walked to the kitchen and pulled out two eggs some vegetables and a bottle of my mineral water, I quickly fried up everything, ate and then headed to the room, I pulled a faded jeans, my white chucks, a green sweater, my white coat, my white bonnet and some mittens, within an half an hour I was prepared and heading out the door. I locked in the door and checked it twice before heading down on out the apartment complex, I moved quickly and decided to catch a cab because of the snow.

I got in and told the lady where I was going, I pulled out my phone and pulled up the app for the site, I had downloaded it yesterday after telling Teri about Roman and he showed me the app, it was much easier to reach him and that made me happy, why I really had no idea but I was getting close to him and now every so often I was finding myself missing him, I felt so weird missing some guy I had only started chatting with a week ago, I don't even think it was so long. I quickly logged on hoping to catch him but it seemed he wasn't online so I sighed and just switched off my phone, soon we pulled up to the studio, I paid the lady and got out quickly making my way inside.

I stood at the door and stomped the snow off my chucks and dusted off what little I got on myself before making my way down the hall, I made my way to the locker and quickly changed before heading down to the main room, on my way there I heard yelling and heaved a sigh, my morning was going so good please don't make it that my luck had run out, I saw of the dancers leaned against the door, and looked at me when I was close to them. Some of them gave me worried looks and others looked downright furious, one of the guys that were talking my name the other day in the locker room walked over to me "well if it ain't the shitty american who causes nothing but problems for everyone, everything was going so good and now because of you the whole performance may be cancelled, if that happens-"

"What are you going do Garret, mm" we both looked at Teri who walked up to me and pushed him aside "leave him alone, he didn't do anything if you would just listen instead of running your big mouth you would know what was going on instead of assuming, you big cow, back off his case or I'll kick your ass." he grabbed my hand and turned to walk away before stopping and looking back at him "and you have some spinach stuck in your teeth." I watched as Garret turned red before rushing off with his friends tailing behind him, I turned to Teri and gave him a worried look, he patted me on my back "don't worry about him, he truly isn't worth your time, plus you have some people who want to talk to you in there." I nodded and followed him.

Teri moved some other dancers inside and then closed in the door after we got inside, I looked and saw Koen, the choreographer, the instructor and Ally all standing there, they all turned their gazes to me when I entered and I suddenly felt very uneasy and nervous as I slowly walked up to him, I looked at all there faces and had to look away quickly when the instructor glared at me, I looked at Ally and she seemed bored, she looked at me and nodded her head remaining silent before turning to the three men that had there gazes on me.

"Eleni what is the meaning of this, I came here this morning and suddenly have to find out that you complained on me about trying to sabotage you?" his voice rose with every word and I found myself stepping back  while shaking my head.

The choreographer looked at me and his stare turned into one of hatred when he looked at the instructor "I never said he complained because he didn't, he was here practicing when Koen noticed he was perfecting the wrong moves and called me in, you were teaching my dancers the wrong moves and now that I'm here telling you you made a mistake, instead of apologizing and trying to fix it you're getting angry at him and scaring him, you're a disgrace to the art, get out of my studio before I go to the madam'e so she can deal with you." the instructor made a huff and glared at me one last time before rushing out the room shoving me on his way out.

I stumbled and Teri grabbed a hold of me steadying me, I wasn't small or anything, I was tall and had the build of a dancer  it was just that he was bigger and more strong, I sighed and looked at everyone that remained in the room, Koen smiled at me and nodded to me Teri and Ally before going up and sitting in the banister, I watched as the choreographer moved across the room and placed a laptop down on the chair, he pulled it on and did something on it for a while before getting up and coming back to us. "Okay everyone good morning, well if you can still call it that. I am Arthur and it seems I will be working with you until the day of the performance just to correct the dance, if you need to address me call me A.J nothing more nothing less. Now I'm going to go and dance and I want the three of you to watch my movements when I'm done you will join in okay?" we all nodded but Teri pointed to himself "me?" "yes I need all three of you to learn the movements okay?"

He nodded "okay go and stretch and whatever else we'll start in a half." we all nodded and went tot he wall, I sat down and massaged my feet with Ally and Teri on either side of me, she let out a sigh while massaging her feet "Awright geeezzaa! god I'm so 'appy 'e's gone, 'e was such a perv an' way an' all pushy. Sorted mate." I looked at Ally surprised at the voice and accent she had she was a cockney really wasn't expecting it, she never really spoke to me before but I just assumed that she would talk the way she moved , she looked up at me and smirked "Gawdon Bennet! why do yew look so surprised was yew expectin' me ter be all dainty and'ave a smoof voice."I blinked at her and nodded, she just smirked "Blimey! well looks can be deceivin' so yew might as well get used ter it. Nuff said, yeah?" I nodded and she smiled.

We stood and started stretching and I was a bit curious "so why didn't you talk all this time, I actually thought you hated me?"

She shook her head "Blimey! I don't 'ate you, it's just what Fred said me voice didn't match me body an' I wouldn't get far in me career if people 'eard me speakin' so I kept i' ter a minimum but now what 'e's gone I can talk all I want. Nuff said, yeah?" she let out a breathy laugh before going back to her stretching.

A few minutes had passed and now the three of us were standing watching as A.J made his way across the floor, he did spins and turns, moving like water not once out of beat, he hit every mark like it was nothing, he kicked and then threw his hand out, and then he was twirling across the floor, he did a few more moves before finally coming to a stop in a pose that looked a bit tricky he finally moved out of his pose after a few seconds and then came over to us "okay so did you all catch that?" we all nodded "okay good Ally would you like to go first?"

She shrugged " don't see why not. OK?" he nodded and they moved on to the floor while we stepped back, the music started with them in their stance and soon they were making their way across the floor like nothing could faze them, Ally was dancing as if she already knew all the moves, she looked so beautiful in her attire and her grayish eyes were completely focused, I was impressed and at the same time a bit intimidated hoping that I would be as good as her and not completely screw everything up. I stretched a bit more and watched as they came to a stop into their pose and then A.J was making his way over to me "okay are you ready?" I nodded and followed hm onto the floor.

He turned and bowed to me and I did the same before taking my stance, with my hands over my head in a strange way and then we started moving, the way we were dncing felt so much better than what I did with Fred, it actually made me feel more comfortable, soon a it was lunch and we stripped off our slippers, I pulled on my chucks and we went to the locker first before me and Teri headed to the cafeteria, when we reached and opened the door I saw Ally looking around the room, a big smirk spread across her face when she saw us.

She all but glided over to us "there yew are I was lookin' fer da two ov you, do yew wan' ter si' wiv me, i' won't be a problem would it. OK?" I nodded and she lead us to the table at the back "Lor' luv a duck! so what did da two ov yew brin' fer lunch i'm starved i've been starvin' fer a burger. Know what I mean?" we both nodded and Teri spoke first.

"I just brought a sald and some chicken with a juice." he said shrugging.

"I brought some steamed veggies, rice and a juice."

"Lor' luv a duck! like I said I brought two burgers some fries an' a coke. Know what I mean?" we both gaped at her before we started laughing.

"Are you going to be able to eat all of that?" I asked with a worried voice.

She shrugged "Lor' luv a duck! of caaahrse I can in fact I can eat much mawer van dis I'm just 'oldin' back because ov me dancing. Know what I mean?" we both nodded and soon our food chat turned into jokes and laughter as we watched Ally stuff her face with her meal.

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