After The Dance

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I stood on the stage in my black and gold blouse, black tights and black slippers, with Ally standing across from me in her similarly designed Ballet dress and gold slippers, the music started and we raised up onto our toes as the light brightened highlighting us, she smiled and gave me a nod which I returned before we started to move heading to the left of the stage, as we twirled, jumped, twisted spun, moving exactly in sync with the steps of the music, going to the rhythm, I soon had my hands around Ally's waist as we glided across the stage, blocking out everything as I spun her out and pulled her to me before turning her, she leaned back and I held her from falling, before I grabbed her hips gently and threw her into the air, she landed gracefully in my hands once again and we continued to dance, soon the music was coming to an end so I moved her from around my back, holding her waist and hand, before I spun her out and then back in to me, going to my toes one hand around her waist and the other in the air, while she was leaning back with her hand stretched out.

The music came to a stop and everyone applauded and cheered for us a few roses flew to the stage before we took a few bows and headed off the stage hand in hand, with bright smiles on our faces, as soon as we got behind stage we were bombarded by the rest of dancers, the choreographer and so many, they were hugging and kissing us tell us that we sis a wonderful job, so we were laughing and joking in Ally's dressing room and I could tell you she is the most vulgar ballet dancer I have ever met, the jokes she tells would make a virgin blush fire truck red and I just happened to be that virgin. Me and Terri were sitting there as she moved around changing from her Ballet clothes to a sleek black evening gown, she moved around in her underwear like it was nothing for her to change in front of us.

She pulled up her strap that some how held up the backless dress, their was a knock on the door and in came the stylist, that made her sit down so she could style her hair, she glanced at me and smiled "I'll be with you in a few to do your hair you can dress in the mean time." I nodded and headed to my dressing room, I locked the door and went into the little shower rinsing off quickly after stripping off my ballet clothes, I dried my hair and skin before heading to my door and taking the suit out of the bag, it was an all black suit, with a black shirt and a silk red and black tie that my father had bought for me, I pulled on my black boxers and then the rest of my clothes.

I stood in front of the mirror struggling with my tie, no matter how many times I've had to put one of these on I had never learnt how to tie it, I sighed loosing it out one I'd succeeded in tying it like a five year old, I was going to try again when there was a knock on the door that startled me, I took a deep breath to calm myself before heading to the door and pulling it open, I expected to see the hair dresser but instead AJ stood there all decked out in a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie with white dots, his hair styled in a pompadour fade, he smiled at me before looking down and nodding to my tie "need some help with that?"

I nodded and moved back allowing him to enter, I walked to my mirror and stood there, he came up to me and took the tie and began to tie it, I was looking down to see how he was doing it only to screw up my face when I realized I wouldn't be able to do it, he finished it and then tucked it into the vest before buttoning my jacket, I looked up while he adjusted it, his face looking focused before it broke into a smile and he looked up at me "you look good, red and black are definitely your colors." I smiled and nodded before mumbling 'thank you' I looked back to him and cleared my throat thinking he would step back instead he moved forward and the next thing I knew his lips were pressing against mine, my eyes widened and I moved to step back but he held me in place, his tongue soon pushed against my lips that I were keeping tightly shut until he cupped  me making me gasp, allowing him entrance into my mouth.

His tongue passed over mine before encircling it and suckling on it, I quickly moved my hand and pushed on him with all my might, but he wouldn't budge just continued to kiss me, he began to slowly move me back only stopping when there was a knock on the door, his face jerked away from mine finally allowing me to breath before he stepped back, I held my chest as I took deep breaths, before looking up at him, he smiled at me, before pulling open the door allowing the stylist to walk in, he walked out and closed in the door behind him leaving me gaping at it, until my eyes were drawn to the stylist who just arched her brow and she simply nodded to the chair, "have a seat we need to do this quickly everyone is waiting on you." I nodded and sat down allowing her to work her magic.

Soon I walked out the door fully decked out in my suit and my hair styled in a quiff, I looked up to see Ally standing there her hair was styled in a curly side sweep and she was smiling at me looking gorgeous in her gown and red lip stick, I scanned around and saw no one else except the stylist who was already heading to the door before I could ask her where everyone else was, she seemed to catch on to the question mark on my face "everyone wen' ahead, they said what yew an' I 'ave ter go as a couple, aaahr car is outside waitin' on us so let's get aaaht ov 'ere"    I nodded and walked up to her holding my hand out, she looked at it and huffed before placing her dainty yet firm one in mine.


I stood outside the car and stretched out my hand for Ally to take it she eased her hand out the car easily placing it in mine before stepping out the car, she gave me a shy smile that made me roll my eyes, about a minute ago she was sitting in the car with her legs far apart one hand thrown behind her head and the other holding onto a champagne glass that she constantly refilled as she burped to her hearts content and now she was behaving like this graceful little thing, that cause the driver to chuckle while shaking his head, she sure knew how to play the crowd, I lead her up the steps and into the hotel where the after party was being kept, the guy at the door took our names before allowing us to pass with Ally keeping her dainty smile, while I stared at her wide eyed, someone she had manged to reign in her harsh cockney accent making her sound posh.

She patted my hand and I shook my head refocusing on where we were being lead two men stood at double door and quickly pulled them apart revealing a giant ball room with an extremely high ceiling, I gaped at it for a while before Alli pinched my hand making me look at her "don't do what you'll become da laughin' stock ov aaahr Ballet group if not mawer." I nodded and focused on the people that moved around the room. She tugged on my hand drawing my hand to the group of people that stood by one of the large door, that consist of Koen, the head of the dance company, some old guy, Teri and AJ, the minute AJ saw me he gave me his dazzling smile which made me stop in my tracks.

Ally turned to look at me "is somethin' wrong?" I looked down at her before shaking my head  and she knitted her brow a little before smoothing it, smiling and continuing to lead us to the group, I looked at Koen who turned to me with a smile on his face, he shook my hand and kissed Ally on her's "that was simply beautiful, the two of you did our company proud, you should have heard all the complements we received a lot of people are looking to talk to the both of you." we both smiled.

"Thank you." we both said and everyone smiled before we broke into a casual conversation after everyone had congratulated us on a wonderful performance, I soon lost interest in it and glanced around for my parents, and saw them standing by one of the pillars talking to one of the other dancers, I nudged Ally and signaled to my parents she  nodded and gave me a smile before I headed over to them, my mother was the first to see me and shifted her platinum blonde hair out of her eyes, she held up the end of her white and gold evening gown as she made her way over to me with a bright smile, when she reached me she pulled me down for a breath taking hug, she literally squeezed the air out of my lungs leaving me gasping for air after my father pulled her off of me.

"Oh baby how I've missed you and oh my god your performance was so beautiful it made me cry, I'm so proud of you." she gushed before pulling me into another hug that was gentle.

"Thank you mom I missed you too, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that." I hugged her tight and held her to me even after it, my father pulled me into a hug.

"That was so amazing, you've gotten so much better and you moved so beautifully, you've really made us proud."

"Thanks dad." he hugged me again and we stood their talking for a while before Ally pulled me away so we could dance.

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