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Perhaps some people don't understand that love is a lot of things. Even I sometimes don't get what it means; clueless would describe the situation. But I think there are some ways I can describe it partially.

It's learning how to overcome unwarranted jealousy.
It's learning how to breath the same air, being fully aware of the other's tasks and their needs, and letting them do what they need to do.
It's learning how to stay away from your darker side when it matters.
It's learning to embrace their brighter world and not just your own.
It's learning to let them be happy, even if it doesn't involve you, especially if it doesn't involve you.
It's learning.

Note to self; go to sleep it's beyond the 4AM point.
p.s. If you're reading this, thank you and maybe it helps you in your way. Hopefully it's not to awfully depressing. And goodluck old friends! SPM results are coming out next month.

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