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We've all heard about culture shock before. Some story about people adapting too good to their environment every time someone moves to the city or to another country. But perhaps these stories don't really tell the whole story; the human aspect to it I mean.

What most people don't realize is that one doesn't necessarily have to be in a different state or country or even school to get this to happen. It could be when one changes the environment, any environment, like a class or bus or even a group for a college assignment.

Before I blabber on, what does happen during culture shock anyway, the change etc? Well, you start to be more..different from what you normally would. It could be subtle, or it could be beyond leading to a change of appearance.

To put it into words on how it works, imagine having a certain power or an ability that you don't normally have like say maybe the ability to talk to people when before that you were less of a talker. Going through culture shock would let you to believe you have all the power you can get, a sense of pride and security,

but you won't know when you have too much power for your own good.

SN; Written a couple of months ago.

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