Chapter 1

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Beep. Beep.

Yuu slowly opened his eyes, groaning from being woken up yet again by the infernal sound of his phone. It was a saturday and he would prefer it if the world would just leave him alone for five minutes. Especially after the week he had just had... this must have been atleast the fifth time his phone had started ringing this morning. Not being bothered to check, Yuu had just set it to vibrate, but even then his phone was loud as fuck. It looked like ignoring them wasn't going to work, so he checked the caller ID.


Yuu's stomach dropped.

Mika and Yuu had known each other since they were eight, after they were both sent to the same orphanage. Tainted from his experience with his past family, Yuu had been hesitant to get close to anyone there. This was until Mika had spoken to him one day, revealing that he, too, had a troubled past and made him feel for the first time in a long time that he wasn't completely alone. Ever since then they had stuck together, a package deal, never one without the other. It was the same when it came to getting adopted. If anyone ever came to the orphanage and wanted Mika, they were told that they would have to have Yuu as well and vice versa. It wasn't until they were twelve when someone finally agreed to their terms.

His name was Guren. He had come that day with his partner, Shinya, and they had originally been interested in Yuu. Guren had been frustrated when he found out about Mika, but Shinya had convinced him to take them both.

"Oh come on Guren, just look at their faces! How could we possibly seperate them?" Shinya had gestured to the two boys, who at the time had been sitting awkwardly in front of the arguing men.

"Shinya, the question you should be asking here is 'how can we possibly afford them both?' or 'how will we make room for them both?'"

The other man had rolled his eyes at him. "Just look at them Guren. Look at them. Because I don't think we are seeing the same boys sitting there."

He did look at them. He looked at them both long and hard before sighing and running a hand through his hair. "Fine. Fine. But I am only doing this because I love you."

So here they were, four years later. Sure, things had been weird at first, but they had eventually gotten used to each other. They had soon become a family. Yuu and Mika had started school and made their own circle of friends, seperate from one anothers. It wasn't because they had fallen out or drifted apart, they had just both decided that it would be good for them to learn to function without each other. It was good. It was healthy. For four years, things had been almost perfect. Then last week happened.

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