Chapter 2

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Long story short, Mika had convinced Yuu to come to this party a boy from their school, Ferid Bathory, was having. Parties, especially high school ones, are known for having a lot of alchohol. The two of them had been completely shit faced by midnight. At some unholy time in the morning, they had started staggering home. Yuu had his arms around Mika's waist, being supported by him as well as lifting him up. His head had been crushed against Mika's shoulder. Yuu remembered him smelling of smoke and vodka. It had been strangely intoxicating. They had been walking down the alleyway that lead to their road when Mika had shoved him up against the wall.

"Woah! Mika, wh-what are-"

Mika silenced him by pressing his index finger against Yuu's lips. It wasn't the act itself that made his heart beat ten times faster than usual, maybe it was because Mika had his face millimeters away from his own. Honestly, Yuu had been too drunk to really think properly. "You're so cute, Yuu. Seriously. Its annoying." Mika moved his hand away from Yuu's mouth and began stroking his hair. "God, you've always been too cute. Even when we were younger. So cute."

Yuu couldn't breathe. There noses brushed, their bodies were pressed firmly together. Then slowly - so slow it was painful - Mika filled the space between them and kissed him. It wasn't a kiss, really, but a whisper of a kiss, so faint it was almost non-exsistent. That wasn't good enough. Yuu grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled his face further into his. Now they were kissing. Really kissing. Messy, hands in hair, tongue on tongue kissing. The kind of kiss you read about in cheesy romance novels or gay fanfiction. He wanted more. He wanted Mika. He let his hands move, going down his arms; around his chest. More, more, more. Yuu attacked Mika's shirt, pushing it up so that he could touch his skin. Much better. He moved his hands up his back, digging his fingers into his skin, causing Mika to moan into his Yuu's mouth. The sound gave him this large amount of pleasure, that it made him realise what was actually going on right now.

He was kissing a boy. Not just any boy, either. He was kissing Mika, his adoptive brother, his family. It wasn't incest per se, but still. How would Guren and Shinya react? How would the school and his friends? This - what they were doing right now - couldn't happen. Was he even gay? Did this mean he was gay? No. He was just drunk. That was all. Right? So he pushed him away.

"Yuu, why..." Mika reached for him, but Yuu had his arms on his shoulders, keeping him away.

"We need to go home." It sounded harsher than he had intended, so he started again. "Lets just... lets go."

He looked like he wanted to argue, but he nodded anyway. So they staggered the rest of the way home. Yuu made sure Mika got to bed OK; then he was out the house and running. He hadn't been sure where. All he knew was he couldn't be in that house with him, he didn't even know how he would be able to talk to him in the morning. Yuu ended up at his friend, Yoichi's, house. When he got home the next day, Mika wasn't there. Mika then ignored him all week during school and was always at some friends house afterwards. The one time he did see him was in the hallway at school. Mika had been standing outside one of the classrooms with Ferid (the guy who had the party) and they were standing... close to each other. A little too close.

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