Chapter 8

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The first thing he felt was the blistering cold of the water shocking his body. Yuu opened his eyes, seeing nothing but pitch black like when he tried looking into the water. He scrambled back up to the surface of the water in an attempt to get away from the cold. When he did he felt even more cold than before. Only his neck and head was above the water, but the open air felt colder than the water, making the rest of his body shiver.

"You alright there, Yuu?" Mika had swum next to him, blonde hair sticking all over his face. He didn't look that cold.

"How can you stand being this cold?"

Mika shrugged. "You get used to it the more you swim. Get your head under the water more, it'll help." Mika grinned devilishly. "Let me help you." He said and used his whole arm to create a giant wave of water that went right over Yuu's head. Mika looked very pleased with himself.

"Hey, not fair." Yuu splashed Mika back, using only his hand to push the water at him. In comparison to Mika's, it was kinda pathetic.

"That all you got?" Mika made another wave that Yuu tried to dodge and failed.

So there war commenced. Yuu turned himself in circles, arms stretched out to get bigger waves to aim at Mika. In retaliaton, Mika bashed his fists against the water to create large splashes. They continued taking turns to attack each other, trying to get the biggest splash and dodge the others attacks. Mika was incredibly good at this, almost always able to get away from what Yuu threw at him. Somehow it was still Yuu who got tired first.

"OK, OK white flag. I surrender." Yuu panted, breathless from having to swim arround so fast and so often. Mika, on the other hand, had barely broken a sweat. Typical.

"You know," Mika swam to Yuu, "there are other ways to keep warm in the water." Mika was right up in his face, wrapping one of his arms around Yuu's waist drawing him even closer. Mika looked into his eyes; Yuu could see his pupils dilate and the blue in his eyes turn a similar shade to the water. Yuu's heart was pounding.

Slowly, Yuu wrapped his legs around Mika's waist, looking at him to make sure it was OK. Mika moved backwards, not taking his eyes off of Yuu's, until he was backed against one of the large rocks that surrounded the pool. It was shallower here, so Mika could stand up with more than just his head sticking out of the water. With the arm that wasn't around Yuu's waist, Mika reached up and touched Yuu's face lightly, trailing a finger down his cheek, his neck; resting on his collar bone, right above his heart. Desire coursed threw Yuu. It felt like there was a tight rope in his lower stomach and groin. Each second that passed was torture, until Mika finally reached up and placed his lips on Yuu's.

They crashed together. Mika's mouth opened almost immediantly, letting Yuu slide his tongue inside his mouth and explore. Yuu ran his hands through Mika's hair. It was silky from the water and slipped easily through Yuu's fingers. Leaving a hand in Mika's hair, Yuu ran his hand down Mika's back, digging his fingers in causing Mika to moan into Yuu's mouth as they kissed feverishly. Mika pulled away from his mouth and began a trail of slow kissed down Yuu's neck, across his shoulders and down his chest. Leaning back, Yuu tugged harder on Mika's hair and dug his fingers deeper into his back. His breaths came out short and heaving.

"We should..." Mika had stopped and leaned his head against Yuu's shoulder, just as out of breath as Yuu was. "We should probably stop now. I-I have no idea how longer I can..."

"OK. That's probably wise." They stayed in that position for a moment, Mika's head on Yuu's shoulder and Yuu resting his on Mika's. "Um, I don't want to ruin the moment or anything, but how are we going to get back up to our clothes?"

Mika chuckled into Yuu's shoulder. "There's a path that leads up there. It's quick, so we won't have to be in the cold in our underwear for long." He lifted his head from Yuu's shoulder. "We should get out now. The longer we stay in here, the more likely it is that we will start getting cold again. And I need to piss."

Yuu let out a small laugh. "You can't just pee in here?"

"Ew, no. Animals might drink out of this water, Yuu. Other people might swim in here."

"Lets get out then." Yuu said, rolling his eyes.

"OK." Mika pulled away from Yuu, moved around him and climbed out of the water. He offered Yuu a hand to get out and he took it.

"The paths just behind that tree there." Mika said, pointing to a tree near where there clothes were. "I'm gonna go find a bush or something."

"Alright, see you in a minute then."

"Yeah." Mika walked off into the woods and Yuu followed Mikas directions and found the path. Turns out there was also a path leading back to where they came. They didn't have to go through the hole of death to get here and Mika knew that. That cheeky bastard. Yuu walked up the path and started putting his clothes back on. He had only just pulled his shirt on when he heard a vibrating sound coming from Mika's pile of clothes. It was Mika's phone. It was none of Yuu's business to look at it, then again it was also none of his business to look at that piece of paper that Mika had dropped. Mika was hiding something from him and he had to know what it was. Plus, the sound of the phone was annoying. That's what he would say if Mika walked back up, he was turning it off because it was annoying.

He found the phone in Mika's trouser pocket. Yuu looked at the screen.


Yuu immediantly pressed decline to the call. Ferid had sent Mika that note. Yuu didn't know how or why, but he had something to do with what Mika was keeping from him. Curiosity getting the best of him, Yuu looked at Mika's caller history.

20 missed calls: Ferid

"What are you doing?"

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