Chapter 9

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"So, what, you think you have a right to go through my stuff now?" They were in the car, on their way back home. After Mika had caught Yuu looking through his phone, Yuu had told Mika about the paper. He had already been busted, there was no point in lying any more than he had.

"No! I'm just worried about you!" Yuu yelled in reply.

Mika snorted. "That doesn't change the fact that you looked through my fucking phone."

"It also doesn't change the fact that you're keeping something from me!" Mika sat in silence, eyes straight ahead, focusing on the road. Yuu coudn't read his face. Sighing, Yuu leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes. This was such a mess. "I just...I just want you to tell me what's going on. You keep telling me to trust you. How am I supposed to if you don't trust me?"

Mika made a strangled sound. "It's not that I don't trust you."

"Then what is it?" Yuu put his hand on Mika's leg, trying to be comferting. "You can tell me anything."

"I don't want to drag you into it. That's all." Mika made the strangled sound again. There was more that Mika wasn't telling him.

"You wouldn't be dragging me into anything. I want to be involved, Mika. I want to help you."

"All you will be doing is getting yourself into trouble. I can't let you. Not because of me." Mika's voice broke slightly on the last word.

"Yeah, but I don't care about that." Yuu took his hand from Mika's leg and crossed his arms. He must have looked like a stroppy child then, but this wasn't fair. Yuu didn't give two shits about getting in trouble, this was about getting Mika out of trouble. "Atleast tell me what's going on. Please. I'll let you handle whatever it is, I just need to know what the hell is going on."

Mika sighed, defeated. "No, you won't...but I'll tell you anyway." Making the strangled sound a final time, Mika began his story. "Remember the party we went to two weeks ago? The one where...well, yeah that one. Ferid had been planning it for weeks. He was especially excited for me to be coming.

"He's been trying to get with me for years. I guess this party was part of that somehow, I don't know. That's why I wanted you to come so bad. Ferid wouldn't try anything with you there. It was still a risk to have you there, Ferid, um...knew - knows - how I feel about you and, well, there was a chance he would say something about it and...anyway-"

"Wait, your feelings for me?" Mika blushed, clearly uncomfterbal to be talking about this. "How long have you..."

"Did you really think that the kiss in alley was a spur of the moment thing?" Mika shook his head. "They say a drunk mouth speaks a sober mind, you know."

"How long-"

"That doesn't matter. You want to know what's going on, so let me tell you." Mika took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I am. You know I would rather not be talking about this - any of this. That kiss is the reason Ferid keeps messaging me." Yuu wanted to say something, but Mika continued, talking quickly. "Ferid followed us home that night. I don't know why, he just did. He saw us in the alley...he fucking recorded it on his phone.

"Ferid threatened to post the video online, unless I did what he said. That's why I was barely at home all week. Ferid made things all afternoon. He said it was only for the week and he would delete it, but he made more copies. Now he said he'll delete a copy a week. The reason he was calling so much today was because he was pissed at me for spending time with you. In his twisted head he sees it as cheating."

Yuu felt sick. Images of Mika and Ferid flashed through Yuu's head along with them in the hallway at school. "So...when I saw you two at school..."

"Yeah." God, this was twisted. This was...did this count as rape? Yuu didn't know. But - shit Mika didn't even know how many copies he had of the video. He didn't know how much longer he was going to have to continue doing things with Ferid. And...

"I'm in that video too. Why didn't you tell me about it? It's not just your problem to deal with, it's ours." Did that mean Ferid would start using it against Yuu as well?

"I didn't even know you had feeling for me or even remembered what happened until you saw me with Ferid in the hallway. I wanted to keep you out of it as much as I could."

Yuu ran a hand through his hair. This was so messed up in so many ways. Ferid already didn't like Yuu and if he found out they were together now, things would get even worse. Especially for Mika. Yuu had to protect him. Mika had done so much to protect Yuu; now it was his turn to keep him safe. What he was going to do about this, Yuu didn't know. He would have to figure that out later.

"You should have atleast told me you were being blackmailed."

"I know." They were almost home. There road was about a minute away from where they were. "Yuu, you can't tell Guren and Shinya about this. Any of it. It will lead to them knowing about us and we already have more to worry about than if they will approve of our relationship."

Yuu wanted to tell them. He wanted to call the police and have Ferid locked up for blackmail and out of there lives. "I won't, don't worry." For now, he added in his head.

Mika nodded and parked the car in the drive way. After having a quick kiss, they both got out of the car and went inside the house. Guren and Shinya were sat in the living room when they came in.

"Hey boys, how was your day?"

(A/N So, yeah, another short-ish chapter. But, there were important plot points in this chapter, so you can't really complain.)

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