Chapter 7

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"So, you're still not going to tell me where we are going?" He asked Mika. They had borrowed Guren's car to go where-ever-the-hell-they-were-going.

Yuu hadn't told Mika about the paper.

Instead of giving the paper to Mika in person, he had placed it on the floor outside Mika's room, trying to make it look like Mika had dropped it there. It wasn't because he didn't want to ask about it - he really did - Yuu just didn't know how. This was their first real date and he didn't want to ruin it. Not that telling Mika he knew that he was in trouble was something that he thought would ruin the day, but how Mika would react to it. Yuu knew Mika. He would be upset that Yuu had looked at his stuff. As soon as the date was over he would confront him about it.

"Nope." Mika replied, grinning. Mika was always smiling when he was with Yuu.

"Come on. We're almost there, anyway. If you tell me now I'll do whatever you say for a week."

Mika glance at Yuu and raised an eyebrow. "You shouldn't promise things like that. It gives me ideas." The tone of Mika's voice made Yuu shiver. "Besides, we're almost there. There's no point in telling you now... and the things I would want you to do are things I'm sure you would do without being made to."

Yuu felt a lot more than a shiver then. He gave Mika a small punch before looking out the window to try and figure out where they were going. They were driving up one of the hills that were just outside of the town where Yuu and Mika lived. Yuu knew there was a national park somewhere arround here. Looking straight ahead, Yuu could see the tip of dark, large trees looming in the distance. When they drove down the road that went through them, the sun became blocked off by the long branched on the (what Yuu was guessing was) pine trees. Light came through like spotlights on the road. They stopped in a small clearing that was being used as parking space.

"So, Mika," Yuu said when they got out of the car. "you dragged me all this way to go on a hike?"

Mika took Yuu's hand. "No. We're still not there yet." He tugged on Yuu's hand. "Come on, this way."

He lead Yuu to one of the foot paths going deeper into the park. They walked for a few minutes before Mika pulled them off onto a side path - and then pulled them off that one so that they were on no path at all.

"Mika, are you sure you know where-"

"Yuu, it's fine. Trust me. I know where we are going." Yuu wasn't exactly sure that he did trust him, but nodded and continued walking with him anyway. Mika seemed confident enough in where he was going, looking straight ahead and not stopping to think about where that were going or what direction to go in next. He eventually stopped just infront of a pile of large boulders that were stacked against the hillside. Mika let go of Yuu's hand and started sliding through a gap inbetween two of the boulders.

"What the fuck are you doing?" There was no way that Yuu was going through there.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Don't give me that look, it gets wider the deeper you go through." Only half of Mika's body was showing. He looked like he had been cut inhalf by those rocks.

"Ha, yeah, no thanks."

Mika shrugged. "Suit yourself." He said and disappeared completely.

"Mika wait!" There was no reply. Yuu looked around, exasperated. He hadn't been paying attention to which direction they went and had no way to find his way back. Cursing to himself, Yuu looked back to the hole that Mika gone through. This was insane. He couldn't actually be considering going through there. Well, he didn't have anywhere else to go. And even if he did Mika had the car keys... This was ridiculous. He was supposed to be spending time with Mika, not leaving him in some hole of death. Trust me, Mika had said. So that's what he was going to do.

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