Chapter 6

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They layed there together for an hour, going through the channels on the TV. Yuu's head was on Mika's chest and every so often he would stop watching whatever they had put on to play with Yuu's hair. When he did Yuu couldn't stop himself from smiling. This was what it was supposed to be like with your boyfriend (not that he really knew what it was supposed to be like, he had never had a boyfriend before). It was supposed to be easy, like this was. Maybe this meant that they could be normal boyfriends, one day. When they heard Guren's car pull up in the drive way they quickly scrambled off of each other, making sure they were at opposite ends of the sofa before Guren and Shinya got inside.

"Hey boys, would have thought you two would be hiden away in your rooms by now." Shinya said when he saw them sitting there.

"Hey dad." Yuu replied. Yuu and Mika called both Guren and Shinya dad to their faces. Outside the house when they were talking to other people they would just call them Guren and Shinya. It was easier that way and didn't start the whole "wait, you guys have two dad's?" conversation with people who really should have known that by now.

"I was actually just going up now." Mika said, standing up.

"You were?" Yuu tried really hard to sound casual, but the look Mika gave him said 'being needy again, Yuu?'.

"Yeah, I have stuff I need to do." He pocked Yuu on the head playfully. "I'll be down for dinner."

Shinya took Mika's place on the sofa. "Mika said you guys were heading out together this weekend?"

Yuu panicked slightly. How much had Mika told him? Did he know why they were going out together? It was Mika's idea not to tell anyone, then again Shinya was a lot nicer than Guren was. Shinya was also more understanding than Guren was. Calm down, he told himself, he doesn't know anything and you were fine talking about it with Shinoa. Shinya isn't any different. Don't panic.

"Oh, yeah."

"That's good. It's nice to see you two doing more stuff together. You used to be so close when you were younger." He didn't seem to notice Yuu's anxiousness and if he did he wasn't showing it.

"Um, yeah. I guess."

Guren walked into the room talking on his phone. "...drop it off tomorrow. OK. I already told you..."

"Who is he talking to?" Yuu asked Shinya.

"No one you need to worry about." Yuu knew what this meant. It had something to do with their work. Guren and Shinya worked in the police force. As ex-army generals, they were well respected and very good at their job. Yuu didn't know why they quit the army and had never asked. It wasn't really any of his business and they seemed happy in their jobs now, so Yuu didn't really see a point in asking. Something suddenly caught Yuu's eye under where Shinya was sitting.

It was a piece of paper, Shinya was sitting on half of it and the rest was crumpled up against the back of the sofa. "Hey, dad, you're sitting on something."

Shinya moved over so that Yuu could pick up the piece of paper, once he did he recognised it as the piece of homework Mika had put in his pocket earlier. It must have fallen out when they were laying there.

"This is Mika's," Yuu said and stood up. "I'll go give it to him."

"OK." Guren gave him a little wave from where he stood on the phone when he saw Yuu was going.

Walking up the stairs, Yuu felt a wave of curiosity come over him. Mika never did homework. Well, not never, but rarely. Why was this one so important. Yuu stopped half way up the stairs and inspected the piece of paper. It looked normal enough, so it woudn't matter if Yuu just looked at what was on it, right? So he did.

Monday after school. At the alley. Come alone if you want it back.


What the hell? This was definently not homework. That wasn't the only thing on the paper. At the bottom were four numbers:


And next to them:

burn this when you've used it.

This F person was Ferid. It had to be. But why was he asking to meet up with Mika on a note instead of just texting him? Mika had said that Ferid was doing things to him, but he hadn't thought he had meant blackmail. What did he have on him, anyway? And what were those numbers for? More importantly, did this mean that Mika was in trouble? If he was, then he would tell Yuu. Maybe this was some sought of code for something... or maybe it wasn't and Mika really was in trouble.

What had Mika gotten himself into?

(A/N Oh, look. I have more time to write. Yes, this is shorter than before, but I did say this would happen, so you can't blame me.  Incase you were wondering, I listened to Beautiful Crime by Tamer on repeat while writing this chapter and the start of the next one.)

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