Chapter 3

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Yuu had stopped walking and stared at them. Mika, who had seen that he was watching, put his hand on Ferids arm and stepped even closer towards him. He looked at Yuu again, raising an eyebrow. It was a dare. I dare you to react to this. I dare you to be jealous. God, how he had wanted to go up to them and see how Ferid would like having a fist in his face. Instead, Yuu went to his next class and let the image of them together torment him for the rest of the day. It had been three days since that had happened. Three days since he had last seen Mika.

Now he was calling him. After all that he was calling him.


He could answer it. Shit, he probably should answer it. But what would he even say? Why was he even calling him? They lived in the same house for fucks sake, if he wanted to say something to him then he could atleast say it in person. Yuu pressed decline to the call. Snarling to himself, Yuu slammed the phone back on the side and layed back down into bed. His door suddenly burst open.

"I knew it! I knew you were ignoring me!" It was Mika.

Yuu sat up, immediately embarressed to be in his pyjama top and shorts. "Mika! What are you- you can't just come in here like this!"

Mika walked into the room and shut the door behind him. "Yes, I can. You and I need to have a chat."

"I'll call Guren and Shinya and tell them to get you out of my room."

Mika took a step towards his bed. "There not home. They can't really do anything if they're not here."

Oh. They were alone in the house. In his room. With the door closed. Shit. "I don't care. You've ignored me all week and now you think you can just wake me up and-" Mika pounced on him, pushing him down onto the bed. His right hand pressed onto Yuu's left hand, pinning him down. It would be a smart idea to use his free hand to try and push him off, but it was too busy gripping into the bed sheet and he was too shocked by the fact that Mika was stradling him to really make a smart decision.

"No. You do care. Thats the problem. I saw how you looked at me and Ferid. I know that you want me." Mika blonde hair was falling in his face. Yuu desperately wanted to push it back.

"Of course I care, you're my brother. And what is that thing with Ferid anyway?" God, that came out so jealous.

Mika smile was smug (and stupidly sexy). "Ferids' been trying to get with me for years. I thought it was a good oppurtunity to make you jealous." His smile grew. "Looks like it worked."

Yuu felt heat rush to his face. "I never said I was jealous."

"You didn't have to."

He wasn't going to let him change the subject. "This still doesn't mean that you can just ignore me all week and then-"

"I wasn't ignoring you."

"Sure you weren't." Yuu rolled his eyes. "That's why you avoided me in the hallways at school and then never came home afterwards."

"Actually, I had other things I had to sought out after school that had nothing to do with you. Not to mention it was YOU not me who did the avoiding at school." Yuu tried to argue but Mika cut him off. "And you didn't exactly try to reach out to me at all. Maybe if you had actually tried to talk to me this week then you would've realised that I wasn't avoiding you."

Speechless, he stared up at Mika. What could he say?  Mika wasn't wrong. Except, well...

It felt like a stupid question, but he needed to ask. "Mika..."


"Does this, um, are you...Does this mean that you're gay?"

Mika snorted. "Of course I'm gay, Yuu. I would have thought, after all this time, you would have noticed." He stopped smiling. "Ferid noticed. He... is persistent."

Yuu didn't know what to make of this. "You should have told me." Mika started to sit up, but Yuu put his free hand around his neck, pulling him back down. "I wouldn't have judged you. Its not something you can control. I would have helped you with Ferid, I still can."

Mika's face was nonchalant. "What about you, Yuu? Are you gay?"

(A/N I just want to say thanks to people who are reading. This is my first FanFic and I know that the updates are short, but I'm working on it.)

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