Chapter 4

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He was shocked by the question "I... I don't know."


"I'm serious!"

Mika narrowed his eyes at him. He took his left hand and ran it down Yuu's chest, stopping at his waistline. "Let me help you with that." Mika shoved his hand under his boxer shorts and... holy shit. Yuu dug his fingers into Mika's back so hard he was afraid he would bruise him, his own back arched upwards, bringing his body closer to his. Stretching his neck back, Yuu tried really hard not to moan. He failed miserably. Mika kissed his exposed neck, small, hot kisses that added to what he was doing down below. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. Suddenly, he stopped.

"Why are you stopping?" His voice came out in breathes, he was struggling to breath properly. (Honestly, it was really embarressing.)

"I just wanted to help you realise that you're gay. I think I suceeded." He was smiling that sexy smile again. Yuu was in so much trouble.

"This doesn't change anything, you know." He looked really confused, so Yuu elaborated. "We are still technically brothers. This still can't happen."

Mika rolled his eyes. "Only technically. Besides, the whole law against sibling relationships is there because they don't want them to reproduce kids with various genetic diseases. Well, that doesn't apply to us for two reasons."

It was Yuu's turn to roll his eyes. "Still. How would it look to other people? To Guren and Shinya?"

"Its not like they would care if we were gay. I don't know if you noticed, Yuu, but they are two men in a relationship."

"You think you're so funny."

"No, I am so funny. Theres a difference."

Mika's hair was still in his face. Now Yuu had enough courage to reach up and brush it to the side. "You know what I mean though. It would be weird."

"Only if people found out."

"What do you mean?"

Much to Yuu's dismay, Mika rolled off of Yuu and laid on his side, facing him and draped his arm over Yuu's waist. "What if, we just take this slow. Like, we find time to do boyfriend things, but in a way that doesn't appear like boyfriend things to other people if they see us together." Mika looked at Yuu like he might have said something wrong. Yuu nodded at him to keep going. "And we tell no one about whats going on between us until we figure out if we even want that. So we be careful about what we do in public and in private. It wouldn't work forever, but we would at least have time to just be together."

That sounded reasonable enough. "Okay, I guess that could work." Yuu searched his mind for things that could go wrong. "My friends. They know me, they'd know if something was going on. Plus I'm a shit liar."

Mika shrugged. "Yeah, but your friends wouldn't go around telling people. Its my friends we need to worry about."

Yuu remembered what he had said earlier. "Ferid."

"Yeah, Ferid."

"Would he actually-"

"Yes, he would. Krul has more loyalty, but Ferid?" Mika shook his head. "No way."

He thought for a moment. "So we only have to worry about one person? That's not so bad."

Mika looked surprised. " really want to do this?"

"Of course. I mean, its risky, sure, but... we deserve to atleast have a chance at being together. And you never know, this might not even work out."

"Wow, how positive."

"Come on, you know it's a possibility. But...I want this. If that's OK."

Mika smiled. It wasn't his sexy smirk, it was smaller, more open. This smile made him look nicer, which was a very attractive look (then again, most of his looks were very attractive)(Yuu wondered when he started finding Mika attractive)(He decided it wasn't important). Yuu really wanted to kiss him. So he did. Long and lingering. "We are in so much trouble."

"I don't care. Kiss me again." He did.

They laid there for what felt like hours, talking and (mostly) kissing. Only when they heard Guren's car pulling up in the drive way did Mika leave his room. Surprisingly, both of them managed to act normal for the rest of the day. Although Mika did touch his hand under the table at dinner. Maybe Yuu was a better liar than he thought.

At night, when everyone was in bed, he crept into Mika's room. He was laying in bed on his phone. When he saw Yuu he sat up. They stared at each other, not because it was awkward, because neither of them really knew what would happen if he stayed here. Being intimate was out of the picture, Guren and Shinya were literally next door. Sleeping was a better idea, if they could keep there hands to themselves.

Mika gulped. "What do you want?"

"Sleep." Mika looked more relaxed...and slightly disappointed. "Please."

"Okay." He had a double bed, but the two of them would still be a tight fit. Mika budged up, making space for him and pulled back the covers. Climbing into the bed, Yuu felt his heart start to beat faster. Laying in bed together really was a very tight fit. They layed with there backs to each other, in the small space they had their whole bodies were pressed firmly against each others. Heat spread across Yuu's face as he thought about it. Focus on something, he told himself, on anything, as long as it's not Mika. Yuu scanned the room, trying to make out objects in the dim light. The only thing he could see clearly was the street light that came through the gap inbetween the curtains on his window. It wasn't very much, only revealing a section of the wooden floor.

"Mika?" Staying silent was painfully hard. "Are you awake?"


"This is really weird, isn't it?" Yuu heard Mika chuckle from behind him.

"Come here." Mika reached around to Yuu's arm, tugging at him to turn around. When he did, Mika pulled him close, snuggling against him. Yuu stiffened and felt the heat return to his face again. Why was he so embarressed? Slowly, Yuu put his arm around Mika's waist and pressed his face into his chest. It took some time for his heart to calm down. Once it had, Yuu realised how comftarble sleeping with Mika was. It made him feel loved and safe in a way he had never thought he would feel with Mika. Sleep came easily.

God, they really were in so much trouble.

(A/N I had a lot of time on my hands, so I was able to make this chapter a lot longer than usual. I'm gonna try to keep them around this length for now on, depending on how much time I have to write.)

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