Chapter 10

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(A/N Look, I'm not gonna lie, there's a lot of gay in this chapter. Then again, this is a gay fanfic so...what did you really expect? Sorry this is out so late, I've had other things to do (like school *cries*), but ,yeah, here it is!)

"And you promise you won't tell anyone?" Mika asked him for the hundreth time since they had got home. They were in Yuu's room tonight - they shared every night now, Guren and Shinya didn't seem to have noticed so far - Mika was spread out on Yuu's bed, scrolling through something on his phone.

"I promise." Yuu replied, trying to be patient with him. Mika was just nervous about people finding out, and Yuu did have a tendency to tell his friends everything. But he would never tell them this. This affected Yuu almost as much as it affected Mika. If any of this got out, they would be in serious trouble.

Yuu was still trying to figure out what to do about Ferid and him making Mika his fucking sex slave. The more he thought about it, the sicker he felt. But he just couldn't stop picturing it. Ferid's hands on Mika's chest, kissing Mika's neck and lower, lower down his chest. It made him embarresingly aware of how little they had been able to do lately, even though they had barely been seeing each other a week. Yuu felt angry, suddenly. Ferid didn't deserve to have more with Mika than he had ever had. He didn't deserve to touch him the way Yuu longed to, to kiss him that way; hold him. They had done more today than they had been able to since the day Mika had burst into his room...maybe they could keep having more...just for today.

Not a second after making his mind up, Yuu snatched Mika's phone out of his hands and straddled him the way Mika had done to him before. If they were going to do this, then it needed to be now, before the day was over. Mika didn't looked shocked by his sudden movements, he just smirked his sexy smirk and raised an eyebrow.

"Is this really a smart idea? Guren and Shinya are just downstairs."

Yuu pulled his shirt off. "You'll just have to be quite then."

Mika's smirk turned into a grin and Yuu reached down and kissed it off his face. Pulling back, he took a moment to look into Mika's blue, beautiful eyes. In that moment they were shinning. Yuu felt a sudden dertermination to make the shine in his eyes permanent, to keep every bad thing away from him that there was. Including Ferid. Right now all he could do was kiss him till his mouth was sore, so that's what he was going to do. He pulled himself up on his arms and went back in to kiss him, leaving enough space between them that Mika had to reach up to kiss him. They kissed softly at first, afraid to push the other too far, Mika ran his hands lightly over Yuu's chest and back, until he put a hand on the back of Yuu's head and pulled him down onto him.

"More." Mika demanded, forcing his mouth harder onto Yuu's so that they teeth crashed together and they were kissing ravenously. It was messy and fast and perfect. Yuu rolled his hips, causing Mika to gasp into Yuu's mouth. He did it again and again, loving the reaction he got each time he did it. He tugged at Mika's shirt, pulling it up as it became aware to him how clothed they both were. Trailing small kisses up his stomach and chest as he went, he finally got his shirt off and returned his mouth to Mika's. "I'm not going to be able to stay silent for much longer." Mika gasped; Yuu kissed along his neck onto his shoulders as he spoke.

"Try. Please." He sounded so desperate and he was. Yuu wanted this. Needed this.

"I can't." Mika eyes turned an even darker shade of blue than they aready were. "But you can." With that said, Mika flipped Yuu onto his back and kissed his mouth, trailed kisses down his neck, nibling his skin. Yuu closed his eyes, gripping the sheets hard as Mika continued his descent. At the last second, just above Yuu's waistband, Mika stopped.

He opened his eyes and looked down at Mika. He was staring up at him, dark blue eyes hungry and questioning. Slowly, his tongue slithered out of his mouth and he licked across Yuu's hips, pulling his pants down bit by bit, kissing and licking him, teasing him. Yuu drew his head back again, putting a hand over his mouth to stop himself from crying out. Fuck, he was going to come and Mika hadn't even started sucking yet.

But Mika stopped.

"What's wrong?" Yuu asked, placing the hand that was over his mouth on Mika's head that layed against Yuu's hips, stroking his blonde curls.

"I..." He felt Mika take a deep breath. "It isn't that I don't want this, because believe me, I really do, but not now."

"Why not now?" Yuu tried to hide his offence and failed.

"We've only being with each other a week," Mika said, looking up at Yuu, "and I'm pretty sure you only want to do this now because you found out about Ferid."

"That's not true!" He protested, even though it was. That didn't mean he didn't want this purely because he wanted Mika. It just motivated him.

"Fine. But even then Guren and Shinya are right downstairs, and you weren't doing a good job at keeping quiet, or weren't going to, anyway." Yuu tried to argue but Mika cut him off. "This doesn't mean I don't want you, it just means that I want to date you more before we do anything serious. OK?"

Yuu sighed. "OK."

Mika smiled and layed next to Yuu, putting his arms around him. "Goodnight, Yuu-chan."

Yuu snorted. "You haven't called me that since we were eight years old."

"Thought I'd try it out again. Sounds weird, though."

Yuu laughed softly. "Goodnight, Mich."

Mika chuckled and kissed Yuu's cheeck. "Shut up and go to sleep."

He did.



Eight years ago

Mika's POV

Mika didn't understand the new kid.

He would sit by himself all day and ignore everyone, even the younger kids, who Mika thought were too cute to ignore. Apparently not for this boy. Mika wouldn't have got involved with him if he hadn't been asked to. "He's needs a friend, Mikaela." Mika knew that, the real question was, did he even want one?

"Hey." He said to the boy once he got to where he was sitting in the play room.

"Go away." The boy immediantly snapped back.

Mika had had enough of seeing him be alone, and decided he wasn't going to go away. "You shouldn't sit all by yourself. You should come play with us."

"And why would I do that?"

Mika didn't have to think for an answer to that. "Because we're family now." Everyone in the orphanage was family, now that he was here that meant he was, too.

The boy laughed. "Family? How's this for family: my Mother called me a demon child and my Father tried to kill me. Don't you get it? To me, family is nothing but-"

"Huh, that must have been hard." Mika reached out a hand to the boy, which the boy ignored. "My family abused me, but I was taken away from there and brought here, to my new family." This got the boy's attention, now he looked at Mika with a type of respect and shock. Mika knew why, he was surprised that he wasn't alone. Mika also knew what it was like to be alone. "From now on, we're your family." His hand was still extended to the boy, waiting patiently for him to take it. Slowly and hesitantly, he did.

Now he understood the boy. He just needed someone to love him, like the people here that had loved him.

Mika decided he was going to be the one to love him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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