Chapter 2: His Side

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::Travion:: {pic in mm box}

I really do love my girlfriend, it's just I missed being a guy & hangin with 'em. I plan on marrying her, I just wanna do me for awhile. No, I'm not cheating, that's not in me to do so. What I look like cheating on the girl who was there for me when nobody else was, the first friend I ever had, the one who helped me out when everybody else laughed at me, the one who has been there from day one. I could go on all day about what she's done for me, a nigga would be dumb as fuck to let her go.

Yeah, I might smell like a female when I go home, but we go to clubs, strip clubs, etc. But she hasn't questioned me about it, so maybe I don't, especially since I try to keep my distance from other females. Strip clubs ain't really my thing, but ion want nobody thinking I'm whipped & shit, because I'm not, I just love her. Nobody will ever have my heart, attention, & soul like my girl, because nobody understands me the way that she does... what dude would cheat on a girl like that???? Whoever does is crazy & stupid.

The only thing that irritates me about her now is her attitude, she's become a bitch, sorry but it's the truth. A simple "hey baby" will turn into a fucking argument, and I really need her to chill on that. And now she doing shit outta spite, like she'll hide my lotion, cologne, name brand shirts, and do some other bullshit, it's real petty, but I hope this ends soon. I love her, but not the shit she's been doing lately. 

I'm chilling with my boys now, at my boy Kevin house, since Jas decided to ignore me today. Whatever her problem is, I'll figure it out one day, just not today. I'll let her stay in bitch mode for now, she's bound to tell me her issue at some point, I just hope it doesn't go too far and we end up going through a bad break up, and I lose her forever, she's my best friend, and if we do break up, I want to keep her as a friend. Come tomorrow, I will start paying more attention to her like I did when we first got together, let's just hope it's not too late. I love my baby, I can't and I won't lose her for nothing in this world.

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