We need a hero

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Hello, I am Ace, and welcome to my tutorial on how to become the ultimate village hero.

First, you need a name. A super cool name to be exact. I already have a sweet name, so I don’t need to change it. You, however, have a boring name, a useless name. No matter how unique you may think your name is, it is not unique or cool at all. So right now, change it! Go ahead; change your name to something cool and awesome. Like Willow, or Spencer. Try changing your name to Wednesday or Thursday; anything that floats your boat and makes you instantly awesome.

Alright, now that you’ve got a name, let’s work on you. Yes, you, you as a person! No one cares what your likes and dislikes are, and no one cares what your favorite type of music is. Nope, we need to know your “hero story”. That is to say, if you even have one. If you don’t, you do now.

My hero story is simple really. I woke up in a strange habitat with no recollection of who I really am, or where I came from. I apparently came from a magical black crystal along with my crazy best friend, and now I have to help a village in order to gain my memories back. That, my friends, is a good hero story.

Now, let’s choose your hero story. Were you born an heir to a long lost kingdom and found out that you had strange powers that no one else in your family possessed? Were your parents killed in front of you because you were a dangerous mythical creature, and that awakened your powers, turning you into a delinquent? Did you stumble upon a strange machine that transported you into a strange universe?

Who knows! Only you do. So choose, choose your story. Choose the tragic story of your life, and open up the possibilities or hero-dom.

So, now that you’ve gotten a super cool name and “hero story”, you need an appearance. This has a wide range of possibilities, mostly because your appearance just has to look awesome. I for one, look amazingly awesome, so you should copy my example. Oh and here’s some advice, it’s not about the clothes. It’s about you. What color is your hair? How is your hair done? What type of accessories do you wear? What color are your eyes?

If you can’t completely change your appearance, do something with it that makes it cool. Find some interesting way to hold your hair up. Or if you like to wear it down, poof it up, braid it into a thousand braids. Just do something that sets you apart from the people around you. You need to be unique; you’re a hero after all.

Next on the list, are your powers. What do you have that no one else has? Can you turn invisible? Can you control the winds around you? Can you summon earthquakes that can swallow up whole villages? What can you do? And if you don’t have a power, are you strong? Smart? Inexplicably beautiful? What’s your deal?

And if you’re none of those, fake it. No one’s really going to know but you and maybe a few close friends and allies. If a fight starts, flee at the last second. Have the enemy chase you around for long amounts of time. Use your fear and terror to your advantage and humor the enemy. That will confuse them, and tire them out; at the last second, accidently defeat them. Even if you have no idea how it happened, pretend you did it all on purpose. Everyone will be none the wiser.

Alright, so we have your name, story, appearance, and power. Now you just need your very own “hero-tude”. The “Hero-tude” is basically your attitude. How do you act around the villagers? With your friends, when you’re alone? What do you do when faced with a difficult situation? Do you laugh it off and get cocky, or do you hide inside of your shell and shudder?

The “hero-tude” is one of the most important aspects of being a village hero, so choose wisely. Being cocky all the time usually turns you into an ass, and you can easily turn into the VV, the Village Villain. I highly suggest that you get yourself a wingman, because then you can balance yourself out. You can act cocky, while your wingman can be the nice and mysterious one, putting out the aura of mystery. Or, you could be the extreme joker, never taking anything serious and being a lazy bum all the time, why your wingman is a bossy and greedy freeloader, always asking for payment.

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