We're so badass

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Day two, of our imprisonment; I am currently sitting inside of a room specially chosen for my fellow prisoner. She is currently fast asleep on one of the beds given to us for accommodation. They wish to trick us into believe that we were guests, but I knew better. We were prisoners of a cannibalistic village, just waiting to be eaten. But not I! I will escape this treacherous area and run away!

Of course, I would have to take my fellow prisoner with me.

And then there was the looming question…. How? How do I escape with this bumbling baboon? Her gangly ways and large buttocks would be difficult to move in her sleep. I would wake her and ask her to help me, but that would be to no avail. She has already become attached to these carnivorous man eaters.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she became one herself.

I silently stood, sneaking towards one of the small cottage windows. I peeked outside to see that the village was asleep, the moon high in the sky and shining down on them. I smirked to myself evilly, yes. This would be the perfect time to escape this land…. Forever!

I ran to the door and turned the knob. It was locked! I bit my lip and searched around me, squinting my eyes through the darkness. There, in a corner! A nail! I quickly picked it up and kneeled down by the doorknob, poking its wooden head and jimmying the invisible lock. I pressed my ear to the door and jiggled the nail against it…. And then…click. There it was! The sound to my freedom!

“Ace, what the hell are you doing?” I jumped, startled, hitting my back against a dresser in the corner and falling down. “Ummm…. Nothing…” I replied, looking around. I was just…. Searching…. For the bathroom.” I said slowly, a lie forming in my head. “I woke up needing to use the bathroom and I couldn’t find it.” I finished with confidence. Invy’s eyes narrowed.

“Oh really?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips. I nodded fervently, trying to assure her that all was well. She shook her head in disbelief. “Ace, I know you’re lying. I heard you muttering about cannibalism and ‘escaping the prison.’ I know you were being creepy again.” I scowled. “At least I’m not the one with the tail.” I grumbled, standing up and dusting myself off. Invy snorted and pointed to my bed, jerking her head towards it. My shoulders slumped.

“Fiiiiine.” I whined, sighing loudly.

But the war wasn’t over!


I slammed my fist on the table and stood up angrily; overturning the chair I was sitting. “I demand to know why you won’t give us the crystal!” I yelled, pointing into Stanley’s face. “We destroyed all of the damned mushrooms jumping around you! Why won’t you help us like we helped you?” I was angry, and my hands were balled into fists, ready to punch the living daylights out of this guy.

Stanley looked at me calmly. “There is still much to do in my village. Once you finish helping us, we will finally help you.” My mouth fell open in horror. “What the hell Stanley! No! I won’t effing stand for this!” I felt a hand fall down on my shoulder and I looked at Invy. She shook her head at me, signifying for me to stop. “He lied to us Invy.” I said, glaring at Stanley. Invy sighed. “Look, right now, he’s got all the cards. We can’t do anything right now.” I thought for a minute, letting my rage trickle down to dull anger.

“When the hell did you get so smart?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest in irritation. Invy thought for a second, her wolf ears twitching slightly. “Umm… I was smart?” I face palmed, shaking my head. “Nevermind.” I grumbled turning my attention back to Stanley.

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