Welcome to..... Freak Land..?

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Waking up to the sound of birds chirping and light flooding onto my face, was not my normal wake up call. Actually, my normal wakeup call would be loud metal core music. Not only that, but I felt well rested. I’m never well rested. It’s just not in my blood.

Or was it?

I sat up in my bed and yawned, stretching my limbs. I looked around myself and frowned. This wasn’t my room. My room had posters and peace signs everywhere. My room was also medium sized, not tiny cottage sized.

Where was I?

I thought back to my last memory. It was of some girl with bright turquoise hair. The girl was laughing her butt off for some reason, but in the memory so was I. Who was this girl? I closed my eyes, searching for more memories. I remembered that same girl falling flat on her face and then tripping me. I remembered her jumping up and down excitedly talking about the latest punk-rock band. Then I remembered her eating a piece of bubblegum that I had thrown onto the ground, stomped on, and then threw in a dirty puddle.

Okay that was gross. Who the heck was this girl?

And why couldn’t I remember anything but her and my name?

I groaned loudly, throwing my head in my hands. This sucked.

I removed my hands from my face and threw off the covers, revealing some pretty cool pants. I stood up and walked to a mirror that was propped onto a wall. If I say so myself, the me I can’t remember has some pretty bad-ass style. I mean, majorly spiked hair in the back with a long fringe covering the right side of my face? Suh-WEET BABIES! That’s pretty darn cool.

I turned away from the mirror and then spotted a door. I gingerly walked up to it and tried the knob. It turned and I pushed the door open, squinting my eyes against the brightness of the sun. I raised my hand over my face to shade my eyes and stepped out, the boots I woke up with thumping the stone steps loudly.

“Oh! Look who’s finally woken up!” laughed a portly woman. She had pudgy red cheeks and bright yellow eyes. Her hair was black and hung loosely over her shoulders. On top of her head was a bright red bandana, probably to keep the unruly locks from falling all over her face. She wore a white stained apron over her pale orange dress. Maybe she was a type of baker or something.

The women laughed again and took my hand, pulling my further out into the open. “My name is Larissa! I was so worried about you, your friend has already awakened as well, can’t remember anything but her own name! She kept on muttering to herself about a blonde fellow such as yourself.” She said, chattering away as I stumbled to keep up with her.

“Oh! There she is!” Larissa said, stopping and pushing me forwards. I stumbled forwards, almost falling flat on my face in front of the turquoise girl. When I finally righted myself, I looked up to see the girl scrunching up her face as if deep in thought. I leaned onto the railing, flicking the hair out of my eyes only to have it fall back down again.

“If you open your chamber of secrets, I’d be glad to Slytherin.” I said, waggling my eye-brows at her. An unattractive snort came out of her, and then she covered her mouth. “Pfft.” I said, my shoulders bouncing up and down from my internal laughing.

“I can’t believe I almost forgot your ugly face!” Invy said, wiping her eye from a fake tear. “Psh, you’re uglier than me!” I said, rolling my eyes and looking around. “Whatever.” She answered, shaking her hair. “So, do you remember anything?” Invy asked, moving to stand beside me. I shook my head. “No, I don’t know anything but you and myself. And miscellaneous things like Falling in Reverse and Asking Alexandria.”

I turned to look at her, when something caught my eye. It was a golden brown color and it kept on swishing back and forth in the peripherals of my vision. I frowned and looked down, coming face to face with a tail. A long bushy golden brown tail, connected to my friends ass. I covered my mouth, looking away and steadying my breathing. “What the hell crawled up your butt all of a sudden?” Invy joked, punching my arm lightly. I shook my head, unable to look at her or even speak.

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