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Once upon a time, in a land probably not that far away, there lived two girls. Now these girls weren’t like any other girls, not at all. These girls were special. They were amazing, awesome. If you went to the dictionary and looked up the words beast or epic, a picture of these two girls would appear.

One girl was cooler than the other, but that’s not so important. It’s the blonde one…

Anyway, these super awesome girls had recently fought with a monster much stronger than any they had encountered so far. They had a tough battle, but in the end, their awesomeness was too much for the beast and fell prey to their immense beauty. The girls, high on their new victory, retrieved the black crystal from the beast and made their way back down to the village with new hope, and a mining report from Ali.

“Are you done?” Invy asked me, raising her eyebrow at me and throwing the crystal in the air. I shrugged my shoulders, snatching the crystal and inspecting it closely. “Pretty much. I just had to finish narrating our lives to the unknown source.” I answered, scratching at the surface of the crystal. Invy snatched it back and sneered at me. “Just make sure you don’t trip and fall down the mountain.”

That didn’t seem like a very appetizing plan.

I shuddered and looked at the crystal again. “So… it’s a rock.” I said, clasping my hands behind my back. Invy glared. “No it’s not! It is the portal to our memories!” she hissed, waving it in my face. I scrunched my nose at her. “Crazy loon!” “Freaky blonde!” “Tailed bafoon!” “Lady Gaga!”

My eyes widened at Invy, twitched slightly.

Her smile was smug.

“You take that back female dog.” I growled, bawling my hands into fists. Invy crossed her arms. “Make me!” she sang. I didn’t flinch as I pulled out my gun and cocked it. “Apologize.” I said, looking her in the eyes. Invy sneered, sticking her tongue out at me. “You won’t shoot!” “One.” Invy rolled her eyes and kept walking. “Two.” She turned around and blinked, finally realizing that maybe I was a bit serious. “Three.” I pulled the trigger and Invy screamed as the shot rang out, passing her by an inch and slamming into the mountain.

I put the pistol back, closing my eyes.

“You should’ve seen your face!” I yelled, slapping my knee and doubling over from the laughter. Invy scowled, punching my head into the ground. “What the hell man? You almost killed me! I thought you were serious!” she huffed, marching away. I smiled at Invy, wiping my eye and skipping after her.

I didn’t think it was necessary to tell her I accidently missed.

Forty minutes later, we were at the bottom of the mountain, tired, hungry, and grumpy as hell. We had a useless black crystal the size of one of our hands, and heavy weaponry that weighed us down. We trudged our way tiredly to our temporary cottage and kicked the door open, flopping down on the beds and closing our eyes.


“Ace, Ace wake up. Wake up!” I heard Invy yell. I felt a sharp sting and my eyes flew open to see Invy standing over me. Her skin was dirty, and her hair was sticking out in several places. There were bags under her eyes, and her skin was bruised from the two battles that we had encountered in just one week. I groaned, pushing myself up with effort. My legs were screaming for me to let them rest, and my body was saying no less, but we had to get answers and today was the day to get them.

“What? Where’s the crystal?” I grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Invy bit her lip, attempting to run a hand through her hair, only to have it get stuck. “That’s what I woke you up about.” She said, throwing her arms around her frantically. “It’s gone. Like as if it just disappeared!” My mouth dropped open, my eyes bugging out. “But, but we had it so secure!” I yelled, standing up angrily. “Who the hell took it?!”

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